Nike SB - QuickStrike

Online premier in 30 mins! The list of skaters this features is insane:

Featuring Antonio Durao, Max Palmer, Noah Mahieu, Hugo Boserup, Nick Mathews, Brian Anderson, Stefan Janoski, Oskar Rozenberg, Arin Lester, Nicole Hause, Eric Koston, Mason Silva, Carlos Ribeiro, Hayley Wilson, Donovon Piscopo, Dashawn Jordan, Sean Malto, Jack O’Grady, Cyrus Bennett, Jake Anderson, Vilma Stal, Sarah Meurle, Ville Wester, Raph Langslow, Casper Brooker, Eetu Toropainen, Kyron Davis, Nils Matijas, Gus Gordon, Kevin Bradley, Blake Carpenter, Poe Pinson, Georgia Martin, Ishod Wair, Tanner Burzinski, Karsten Kleppan, Ben Lawrie, Dylan Jaeb, Noah Nayef, Korahn Gayle, Joe Campos, Troy Gipson, Seven Strong, John Fitzgerald, Vince Palmer, Daan Van Der Linden, Youness Amrani, Grant Taylor, Karim Callender, Elijah Odom, Andrew Wilson, Enzo Kurmaskie, Nik Stain, and Didrik Galasso.


Hopefully this stays online straight after not gunna have time today

Fuck no KB

He has 4 or so clips. Good ones too.

But Daan’s clip at Milan station is absolutely incredible. Trick of the year, if not the decade.


This whole video is insane.

So good.

This is just 7 minutes in with no slowmo or reply. Just tossed in there. Wtf

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Quartersnacks must be having a melt down right now trying to sort out this weeks top 10!


Not even I can muster up a grievance! Incredible!
Too many stand out moments, will need a few watches and i’ll be glad to. Don’t care about nike, never will but that collection of skaters in one place is…

Durao is a stinker.

Also isn’t boardslide at Waterloo ABD?

That and Deedz last trick made me shout at the telly

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How dare you! i’m quite taken with him personally. But I get you, he dices with stink but I don’t mind that.

Who’s the young guy with brown hair just after Dylan Jaeb?

Joe Campos

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I never need to see another ironic late one foot. Durao is supernaturally good but overkill has fucked that one.
Only got that far - will watch the rest and report back. 40+ minute montage is a bit…idea bare though surely?
Hopefully I’m proved wrong

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It’s rad that deedz dresses in the dark before he goes out.


Durao is wild. Not a stinker imo.

Edit: Just watched it. Are you off your head?! That was fucking insane and clean as a whistle! Yeah he does some weird one foot stuff, but how do you watch that and think he’s a stinker?! Fake tre ender to his section holy shit!

Edit edit: wait was that nollie?!

PS Lol Max P does a nose slide 270 on a hedge :joy::joy::joy:

3 mins in and I’m loving it already. Need to go to bed x


Dominic Cummings has some great tricks. As does Cat man Nick Anti Hero

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Vincent Huhta’s forehead is bigger than Amelien Foures’

Daan, DAan, DAAn, DAAN!