Nine Club

Damn, it’s weird that they cut all that stuff out of the actual interviews that air.

Crob has, on multiple occasions, asked a guest how much they earned for royalties or for a particular deal. Then will follow it up with something like, ‘nah, I’m just joking, but I’m not joking. How much, haha? A rough figure will do, haha. Just joking bro.’ Then will go on to say that it fascinates him. I get the feeling that if the guests were willing to do it he’d be happy to go through their accounts, mostly to satisfy his own curiosity.


Oh god, again?!?

Can someone tell me whether this is worth watching

It’s not.

(Not that I’ve watched it.)


I watched 35-40 minutes of it this morning. I can’t remember anything that was said. My overall impression is that it was dull and pointless. I’ll be going back and watching the rest tomorrow though - glutton for punishment, I guess.

Three+ hours about the D3 shoe, no thanks.

Crob’s scheduled attempt to get more info out of Mayhew about what he got paid and what he does with his money

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Standard, then.

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Mad, these would make it a ‘no’ for me.

Guess he goes into how it was him, and not a paid-up, trained, professional shoe designer who designed that shoe?

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That was a good listen actually as it was almost all around subjects Roberts has some knowledge of so it didn’t really grate at any point.

I had a mental block and for some reason mixed Dave Mayhew and Dave Mirra up and got really confused why he’d be on the 9 Club.

Even more so when I remembered he’s dead.


So is the Nine Club.


Oh and any excuse to post this:

Edit: Whilst snorting salt and squirting lime juice in his eyes, Don feels the need to clarify that he’s not a ‘drug guy’ - I guess that now includes vaccines.


Fucking love Don Brown

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Hoping this isn’t just a long-form version of Karl Watson’s recent interview. But I love this shit.


Never heard of this guy. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

He did this, when went down pretty well:

Thanks. Didn’t see that either but am interested to hear what a neuroscientist has to say about skating (especially if he does skate too, which I suppose he does). Will give this episode a go sometime soon, it might make a long drive more enjoyable.