Not Stoked.

oh ditto. pivot as fuck on any of those tricks. @franc seems particularly adept at doing them properly. maybe he can give us all a masterclass one day

I did a bs 180 out of a fs slappy first go. Ask @snurp and @niallc they saw it. It was shit but I did it



Frontside 5050 backside ollie out mid-ledge: scoop your backside ollie instead of popping it too much (like Kenny Anderson on flatground, you know) and try to go as far from the ledge as you can.
Backside 5050 frontside ollie out mid-ledge: pop your ollie out of the grind kind of straight then once you’re in the air start rotating.
Frontside 5-0 backside shove-out mid-ledge: never done this one properly but torquing the 5-0 definitely helps. Put pressure on your back foot toe so the board won’t flip.
Back 5-0 front shove mid-ledge: I should call Mystic Meg to get this one.


i’ve noticed the shape/style of ledge really has an affect on these as well. curvy ledges seem much easier to get the rotation better. i definitely pivot them more on fully straight angled ledges. waxy ones are easier too obviously

Somehow misplaced drivers license, already and i’m trying to insure car.

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Saw it and it wasn’t even that shit

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yea it definitely could have been worse


What a statement.

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£1,400 worth of work on my car to keep it roadworthy. :pensive:


Heading to Carmarthenshire on Tuesday for a week of scenic landscapes and amazing beaches.

And it’s pissing it down all week…

Hah. Off up to Machrihanish on Weds. Weather looks pretty soggy there too. Still looking forward to it, want to see some seals and stuff, hopefully they’re not too fussed about the rain at least.

With the weather forecast I’d much sooner be a short boat trip away from the distilleries of Isley…

Seals AND quality peated malt. No brainer.


Don’t put that in your sat nav!

To be fair I’d had a few by then…

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Birthday yesterday, two punctured tyres on the motor today. Birthday dosh, easy come easy go :man_shrugging:t3:


Dickhead over here spent all morning welding in a t-shirt and I’ve got a lovely burnt arm now like I’ve been asleep in the sun.

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Just one arm? Tell people you saw a UFO and it only sunburnt you on one side, like in Close Encounters of the Third Kind!

Trucker tan.

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yea just the one, looks really classy

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Anyone got experience of living under a flight path? Looks like the shady bastards in the council have snuck it through so there’s going to be the Luton holding pattern flying in a corridor over my town. Wife is freaking