Plan B video

Can’t really be bothered to fully dissect why I don’t hate him very much but basically I’d say it’s because he doesn’t dress like a footballer (though I’m not too sure what that means) all the time and his stinking tricks are usually throwaway things on insta.

Not sure how anyone could see that kickflip bs smith and be angered by it.

no talk about the PJ footage?


Grizzly grip.


One clip in the credits

ahh, thank you - theres some hope yet

That may as well have been an Etnies video

AG’s fs bigflip was pretty sick

Can’t remember anything else from his part

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Hardflip fs board shuv out on a handrail. Bit stinking but not going to see anyone else do that.

There’s probably a few stinkers who can do that. Not sure I want to see it again.

Just because you can etc etc.

A team fully stacked with nobodies favourite skaters


Apart from the one guy who didn’t have any footage

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I actually think it’s pretty funny that Ladd skips almost all their videos, it’s like when Puleo was on Enjoi but for 15 year run.

Ended up watching the China Banks vid instead.

Instagram has just forced a kick flip b/s 50-50 to front foot impossible out into my face. Not pretty.