Yeah wow, come on, that’s definitely an important part of this.
Oops, ‘Stop being a crazy, ya big crazy!’ Maybe wasn’t he best way to go then? No, I was respectful… I’m genuinely interested why she thought this plant might be a great gift?
What plant is it?
There is a type of bramble call rubus cockburnianus. If its that, maybe you should book in at the clinic.
One thing to bear in mind would be if there was a gender reversal in this situation people’s reaction might be a little different. A woman getting unsolicited attention from man could, and possibly would be, looked at as problematic. I have had experience of being ‘stalked’ and friends and housemates at the time thought it was funny.
It was over 25 years ago when I briefly met the woman in question. She was a friend of a friend and somehow over our 5 minute meeting I made an impression on her. One day whilst at work I received a delivery of flowers from her. I thought it was a bit strange, maybe flattering, but wasn’t interested in her and decided to not respond. She began turning up at my workplace around lunchtime so she could walk in to town and always had some kind of excuse as to why. She turned up at skate spots, pubs, gigs, my house…pretty much everywhere. I thought I had been clear that I wasn’t up for anything but she had other ideas. On a couple of occasions my housemates let her in to the house when they left for work because they found the situation amusing, leaving me to wake up with her in my house. She kept sending me presents. I asked her to stop. Especially when one of the presents was a half used bottle of her ex fiancé’s aftershave. This is when I thought she was cuckoo bananas. I confronted her and gently but firmly spelled everything out for her. She said that she got it and she wouldn’t bother me. Later that week I was out at a bar and she arrived and said that she was sorry and could she buy me a drink to show no hard feelings. I stupidly agreed as I didn’t want to be rude. We left together and had to walk back home in the same direction. I woke up in her bedroom with no idea how I got there. I swear I was ‘mickey finned’. Things started to happen again. I found myself disconnecting my house phone after she wouldn’t stop calling. Even with me screaming down the phone, ‘what part of fuck off don’t you get?’, she still kept on saying we were destined to be together and we should move to Cornwall , get married, get a small holding and have kids. When what I was saying was, ‘do one’. Mental. A lot of people around me still thought the situation was amusing. It was at this point where I disappeared myself for 6 weeks. During this time, where no one knew where I was, I organised an overseas trip for 3 months, quit my job, left the house and went abroad. When I came back she had moved away and I have never heard from her since.
Not 100% on why I have just knocked out that story. I haven’t thought about that in a long while. At the time it was a nightmare and she just didn’t grasp that it was all in her head. No matter what I did I was unable to get through to her. I guess I’m just saying nipping it in the bud rather than letting it ride before it, (as it might), spirals out of proportion would be a good idea. Good luck.
That is so fucking mental. Chapeau for getting it out.
Shit mate, that’s fucked. I hope you’re in a much better place now? I’m in control of the situation here thankfully. This is boarder line but what happened to you is next level.
All good now. In fact, as soon as I was out of town it was pretty much forgotten about. Certainly a week in to being in the States I was over all of the shit. I haven’t really paid it much mind since. It was just seeing your posts jogged the memory.
That’s good to know, I think she just wants to mother me, like an old mother hen. Which as we all know is the least sexy quality to have in a partner.
Oh I dunno, different strokes.
On a flight home from San Francisco I woke up to the homosexual man seated next to me enthusiastically groping me whilst “asleep.”
Can confirm that it was treated as “a laugh” and has been dismissed as a funny story while Im fairly sure that if a bloke goosed up a woman on a flight he’d be handcuffed and on the floor before he could blink
I don’t need someone to wash my undies for me, I’m a grown up, I have my own mother to do that for me, haha.
Wow, that is shocking! Oof. No-one should have that happen to them.
Yeah was gnarly, to be fair I pretty much dismissed it until someone pointed out the role reversal argument and I realised it was pretty fucked.
That is utterly crazy
Yep, I kind of just blanked the waking up naked, woozy and receiving unsolicited ‘head’. That situation was so tweaked that dwelling on it would not have been a helpful way to deal with it. (I was so out of it that it didn’t and never has felt real, which I guess is fortunate) Dudes I told, on the other hand, just saw it as free drugs and blow job off a hot girl… just one that happened to be completely unhinged. If that had that happened to one of their female friends those dudes would have been round there with flaming pitchforks. Someone would definitely be going to jail. Anyway, forgive the pun, I’ll put this chapter to bed now
That’s insane. It’s such a gross feeling to be violated. Sorry you had to experience that.
A guy tried it on me once when I was walking. I know that sounds like a strange situation for someone to be able to do such a thing - seeing as you’re in motion. He basically just stuck out his hand and squeezed my crotch area. It was really creepy and totally unexpected (obviously).
It was weird cos it happened and I had to take a few seconds to register it. I stood there and was confused initially at what just actually happened. Strangely, the event manifested itself in anger with me rather than anything else. I became absolutely furious and went up to him threatening him. That’s the one time I’ve put my hands on someone - I grabbed him by the neck and his friend (a girl) pleaded I didn’t do anything. Nothing else happened but I just felt disgusting that someone touched me like that. I reckon if it wasn’t for his friend I would have broke his nose. I’ve probably never been so angry in my life.
That sucks mate. I was flying back from my honeymoon and was in the middle seat with my wife on one side and a smallish incredibly flamboyant gay fella on the other side. Made polite small talk as you do at the start of the flight then I started reading and he started drinking quite a lot watching Magic Mike then everyone fell asleep. I woke up to a hand running up and squeezing along my thigh heading towards my cock and balls. I panicked and woke my missus up who looked over at the apparently asleep bloke and what was happening before grabbing his hand and throwing it back onto his lap and went back to sleep.
I didn’t know what to do as it was about 3 in the morning and I was reluctant to punch the fuck out of him as I was about twice his size and worried about getting sky-marshalled for a his-word-against-mine-unwitnessed gay-bashing over the Atlantic.
I joked about it afterwards but it’s fucked up. Im a 15 stone tattooed bearded ginger so Im relatively low on the at risk scale thankfully but I can’t imagine what its like for girls who have to deal with shit like that daily on the tube and out and about as just a basic part of their day.
Got a reply saying it was a kind gesture to make me smile and nothing more and to try and keep it alive… still seems odd.
Maybe it’ll emit some mind-control serum?