I’ve just got Orchid Romance with an Asian girl in a sailor uniform
Balenciaga ads, someone’s doing alright
Use Adbock, you bunch of luddites.
On desktop I use of course, but I didn’t think those extensions worked on mobile browsers.
Yeah sorry mate can you forward that to me please? Just a mod thing. Thanks.
Instant follow
Weblock works great for me for mobile browsers on the ipad and Adaway takes care of most stuff on Android. YT ads, etc. don’t always get blocked for me though.
Privacy Badger and DuckDuckGo are also worth investigating!
Alternatively join the patreon.
This question isn’t related to my personal music tastes.
Has elvis Costello ever featured in a skate video soundtrack aside from the euro tour footage extra in the flip sorry + really sorry dvd?
Accidents Will Happen was a slam section in a Blockhead video.
Fastly has gone down and now most of the internet is borked.
Can’t even browse Reddit while waiting for it to come back. Damn them.
Ha, stuck here with us then?
Ha, it’s ok it’s all back now, so I can leave. PHEW
What happened to the tin foil conspiracy theory thread?
Still there for me. Maybe you’ve been blocked from it? There was some mod group email about banning ‘dangerous’ individuals from that thread so maybe something to do with that?
Or is that what they want us to think?
@Mark, got another one…
Oh rad. I thought their song search option bit the dust.