Pointless Topics

Im trying to get a clip for TOTM (and failing).
Was sessioning the curb at the park and some sort of fast show dad character who thought he was the main character plonked himself at the spot where I land…in an otherwise totally empty skatepark(!)

He’d watched me for 25 minutes skating this one obstacle and then decided to give his son some sort of microscooter lesson in the one little bit I was skating.

He had absolutely no awareness he was being a fucking twat but i just dont know how some people get through life. Pig ignorant fucking tosser.

Fuck I hate people.


So much of this right now.


My experience has been pretty good.
A full time honors degree isn’t cheap but it’s pretty well organised with a ton of resources, info, planners etc online. My tutors have been friendly and competent although I have heard this can be luck of the draw. With everything they place at your disposition, the only real liability is yourself not doing the work.
Before agreeing to anything they have good advisors and tools to check just how much you think you can study independently.

Gotta construct yourself a nice out of the way curb spot!

I’m currently on a tropical island in Thailand and spent most of the day watching tourists (some with 4ft tall tripods) taking photos of themselves on the beach. Or sitting in some fancy resort chair etc etc.

None of them were actually enjoying the beach or the situation, but they were here, they got content and that’s all that matters in the plot of their lives.

Whereas I spent some time with my kids seeing how far we could throw a dead fish with a shovel.

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Got me with that haha


Why didn’t you tell him to move? They usually do if you ask with a smile, no matter how ignorant they are in the first place.

  1. I was going to but I would’ve felt like a knob. I was just trying a line on a curb.
  2. I did not get good vibes off this guy.
  3. Going Larry David in real life has not gone well for me and I don’t want to make things awkward in the future.
  4. Why should I? He’s an adult who should know how to behave when he leaves the house. I bet he’s the worst driver/cinema goer etc etc wherever he goes.

Unless he’s a skater he won’t understand the etiquette until it’s explained to him.
You can say, ‘excuse me mate, I’m just using that bit there, could you stand over there instead please?’
And he’ll probably go ‘oh right, yeah’


Not sure how pointless this is but I found out if you have a VPN and set it to Albania you get to watch YouTube completely ad free .
Apparently ads are not allowed in Albania and I’ve been watching YouTube all day without any ads .

A big fuck you to YouTube and not having to pay for premium.


But he probably doesn’t know how a skatepark works. Why would you not ask him?

Probably thinks that only the ramps are for skating and the rest is seating.

I usually just carry on sessioning the thing they’re sitting on. They generally get the point. (Unless they look well 'ard or mental of course)

I asked somebody to park his car in a different space the other day because the one he’d chosen obstructed my run up to the curb. He said no and went to get his train.

I felt like I had maybe overstepped the mark.


Is it new world order where a car pulls into the space next to the manny curb shiloh is skating?

Edit yep. How come my memory is fucked for normal stuff but I remember that?


Yesss classic! It was just like that :laughing:

Watched this video a hundred times but the trick at 40 seconds only just hit.

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They just age like fine wine those vids

Im addicted to these bastards


(Yes i have the palate of a 10 year old)


I always imagine it being like paddling in a stream when theres fishermen about and not knowing if im in their way or not :sweat_smile: