Polar - Everything is Normal

Online premiere 9am! Skip work, watch, go skate!


Sirus has done a fantastic job with this. Polar videos don’t miss!

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Very enjoyable, yes!

Stoked on the Hjalte footage and farewell message, that was lovely.
The first kid’s ledge boardslide to crooks was pretty mad. That 360 flip off a kicker stood out too, it was Brian Andersonesque. So much good stuff. Glad Shin got the ender, he was kind of this guy with a good style but limited bag of tricks in my mind and his section definitely showed much more than that.


As a parent, whenever I see the name of the Polar video I immediately sing it to the tune of “Everything is awesome” from the Lego Movie.


Finally got a chance to watch.
Very very good

Shin is a fucking legend. Leeds fell in love with the man!


This is fucking great so far.

Done and happy :+1:

There was some nice stuff and some good tricks in it but I found myself really dozing off for more parts than I expected. It might have been the Lofi music or the biographical skits. Maybe even some of the skating.

I’m also a bit unsure about mashing individual parts into other parts and montages and stuff. It’s a creative method but sometimes it feels too jumbled.

Felt more like a fancy tour video than a full length. I enjoyed it but it I wouldn’t say it got me hyped, and Polar stuff usually does. Editing was lovely though.

Shin’s part was great, I’ve been a fan for a while without ever really seeing a great deal from him.