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Surely his most notable artwork was for Alien Workshop, not Element? Or is that showing my age

Sweet, a t-shirt company! Been wondering how to cover up my top half lately.

The Element connection is probably most notable because his art would have appeared on waaaay more boards than when with AWS. Just that we didn’t see them because we’re grown ups.

Found this reading up about UK food package designs once. From 1969/70.


I actually own that book! Work by Peter Dixon


Yeah I’d say habitat and Aws was peak pendleton

AFAIK, his split with AWS and Habitat was quite acrimonious. Could be wrong, but that’s what I heard anyway.

Doing boards aswell, I think via Rock Solid in the UK.

Yeah, The Experience was giving away boards, grip with the designs on it, clothing, ect a bit ago.

It’s a shame this is going to be over kill for his designs and water down past boards raddness.

Some of them actually looked quite nice, would def buy either of these if they were ten quid cheaper (£65 is a bit much)

Bottom one looks like a Delphi board.

The top one looks nice, but I hate it when people make a logo by removing all the vowels from a word, it’s so lazy.

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I wish they didn’t have the Darkroom logo on, I think it would look nicer without.

Not sure how I feel about skateboard companies without any riders or team.

OK google


Oh bollocks.

I was on my wife’s phone.


Weird that Pendleton doesn’t mention Alien. Did they part ways with beef?

Yep, big time from what I recall.

Rad. Who posted it?

Worn once, but to what event was it? Such a tease!