Skate Wizards

Yeah Golden Egg is like in my top 5 videos of all time

Its not for me. Remember not being that into it when I first saw it and just rewatched a few minutes and havent changed my mind.

Its technically impressive but it doesnt do anything for me

Yup same. The forward rolls and clown shoes were too much.

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Same, reminds me of Fancy lads. I like the podcasts sometimes, genuinely funny but the wacky skating grates

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The reason A Golden Egg works for me is that it is a concise artistic vision and they’ve fully committed to it: a bewildering, colourful, one-off short video where the rhythm of the edit matches how bonkers the content of individual clips is. It’s a kind of concept piece but doesn’t feel boxed-in or clautrophobic at all because it also totally incorporates mess + accident as part of the process. And even though they clearly put in a ton of work (“work”) it doesn’t linger long enough to feel like laboured or calculated "kooky"ness. They come across as genuinely bizarre. It all strikes me as a kind of chaotic magic gift from backwoods stoned UK shamen just having a laugh.


It’s like the result of a year of 2 dudes sitting around in a pub getting hammered and saying to each other ‘wouldn’t doing xyz be completely retarded’ and then they go out and film it at some point and it’s like an edit held together with sticky tape that just works. Totally British and utterly silly and absolutely brilliant.


It also wasn’t done for likes or YouTube money.