Skateboarding Generations

I remember being show planet earth now and later when I was 16 in the year 2000. It was less then a decade old but seemed ancient to me at the time.

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So I just asked my sister this question because my niece, whoā€™s 5, has asked for a skateboard for Christmas. Sheā€™s getting a little penny board.

And turns out, itā€™s from playing THPS with her dad haha. So the same thing that made me want to get a skateboard is the exact same thing thatā€™s influenced her, 23 years later.

Also there might be a skateboard in an episode of Bluey, but itā€™s mostly THPS.


Sounds like they have their own personal issues with skating. Itā€™s still sick and thereā€™s just as much independent, creative and left field skating happening than there ever has been


droP a naMe.


Could be anyone really, itā€™s a viewpoint I have heard people casually chuck out but usually if you question it they have a rethink.

In my experience it often comes from people who are not actually skating any more and getting increasingly distant from skateboarding whilst still being involved enough to have to care.

If you donā€™t skate any more I can imagine it all starts getting a bit weird.

Or it could have been Sean Goff.


Sean is many things but he loves skating as much as anyone.


I know I was just trying to think of a ex pro who still skates but might be a bit jaded :laughing:

Professor bollocks is not impressed with being compared to Mr ā€œI couldnā€™t drop in on a quarter pipe in 1992, so no one couldā€.


Biggest thing I find wild is skaters a few years younger than me that didnā€™t get chased every day or their heads kicked in simply for being a skateboarder. Was talkin about how in Sunderland literally everytime you would see a group of radjys if ya had longer hair or a board or a hoody people would just start running at you to knock ya out. I guess this also comes down to a class thing as a few o them were defo a bit more privileged middle class southern but yeah, thatā€™s a mad one to me. Ever skaters that somehow have never been in a fight. Fighting isnā€™t a big thing now than it used to be it seems.


Growing up skating in the countryside, we had skaters vs fishermen once. Classic fight for the ages haha


Yeah I didnā€™t want to be cruel and call it out but the people with the strongest opinions on skating are the ones that havenā€™t done it in a while.
Pipe down


This thread has just sent me on a deep, deep internet dive. THPS was what made me want to get a skateboard, but I was trying to work out the first time I ever saw someone ride a skateboard, other than Bart Simpson.

I have this vague and very old memory of watching a kids TV show where there was a downhill skate competition and one of the kids ollies over a bin bag. Itā€™s been in the back of my brain for years but I never bothered to work out what it was.

Anyway, I found it. McGee and Me, about a kid who has a cartoon friend. Episode 4, 1989. But I reckon it would have aired a few years later in the UK, so probs 91,92 or so.

Skateboarding starts about 20 mins mark.


I think itā€™s a generational thing as Iā€™m middle class as fuck but still got chased to fuck growing up skating in Newcastle let alone Sunderland haha!
A skinhead once jumped a full floor in Get Carter trying to smash my head in!
Itā€™s well trodden point but I donā€™t think people get as much bother off radjies or the general public anymore.
Skating Sunderland the other day and some old fella was actually complaining that we werenā€™t as good as the people on the olympics, which is a new one!


Had a lot of this in the early to mid 90ā€™s.

I think we all need to step back and realise that we ALL had different experiences within skateboarding through the timesā€¦ so no one rule per era qualifies, at all.

Iā€™m hoping that anon2814etc has left the building for the right reasons and is ok, much like I did for a while. Because the ferocity of peoples bullish posts can be very wearing. I know the dude posted very odd opinions which people have corrected him on over and over again, rightly and wrongly in many ways but I think there has been a level of camaraderie from certain people that on the outside can look like targeted bullying even if not intended, and yes, people should be called out and sometimes people donā€™t help themselves with what they postā€¦ But I think sometimes people need to read their own posts and realise they come across aggressive.

Weā€™ve lost the dial of etiquette along the way. Even back in N26 times, while lawless, there seemed to be a level of fun in the anonymity and we all understood what was fun and what was aggression/overeaction and things were dealt with accordingly. We are in some sort of polite limbo where weā€™re competing for who is more correct than the other. Social media has done a number on us all, I hope you agree.
iā€™ll be accused of overthinking iā€™m sure but I think itā€™s sad to fucking see. None of us know how to act on here at all.
Hope youā€™re ok anon2814? Itā€™s a forum full of pathetic dweebs on wheels (or were on wheels 15 years ago), chill out for a few months and come back.


Ahh Mad Max has done a bunk again, donā€™t worry heā€™ll be back soon enough.


Not sure why youā€™re having a go at me now? Yes thereā€™s nothing wrong with Twitter and Hoovers, I literally just picked two non- skateboarding posts at random to illustrate my point.

Iā€™d rather not get into it with you man.

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I was just speaking in generalities and the Twitter thread seemed like the most obvious non skating thread to mention given that itā€™s popular. Wasnā€™t meant to be a pop at you specifically, not my intention