Skateboardle video quiz (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

2nd shot. Which is incredible as I don’t ‘know’ the video.

Lorenzo makes those Axions look sooooo goooood :drooling_face:


Watched the first clip and went down the Deca route. Foolish. Got it eventually. Feel so dumb.

Not a chance. Didn’t recognise anyone until the last 2 clips and they sent me down a Birdhouse hole.

Had absolutely no idea until the Reynolds part came on. I know it was 1994 but his ender in this video is such a violation.

No idea. For some reason I guessed 60/40

You still maintain your streak @sk8arrog8 ?

Oh god no that ended recently


thought you were still smashing it

Nah I was foiled by the Jeremy Elkin video last week. Frustrating because it turns out that I own the box set :joy:

First try. This video was sick.

100% remember this video but searching his (last) name came up with nothing so just went down fruitless Nike rabbithole

Second try today. All of Cyrus’ footage looks like it could be from the same video. That’s not a diss, just an observation he’s very prolific and puts a hell of a lot out.

Same. Love that Pat Smith section. Surprised they didn’t pick a Mike V clip.

Weirdly all my stats are completely gone and I got the ‘how to play’ message as I loaded up the page this morning. It thinks I’m a newbie. Oh well back to 0 it is.

Second try today.

4th go complete fluke, thank you Salman

I’ve seen a few sections, but never the whole thing.

Irrelevant really as skateboardle muscle memory went…
guess x6 → not seen it!

Never seen it but got it second try just from seeing someone drop off a 20ft wall


Zoo rabbit hole and then guessing blanks for the last few tries. No dice.

Never seen or even heard of this one.