Skateboardle video quiz (CONTAINS SPOILERS)

5th guess. The name’s on the skater’s hoody. Looks like a good Puleo section.

Not a clue, with no chance of even working that one out.

I could do with a win so if the next video could be Flip ‘Sorry’ or something that’d be great

Was guessing Zoo the whole way through but pulled it out my arse somehow with the Bobby section at the end. Used to watch that one a lot

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Not a hope in hell today.

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Working fine for me

Yeah same for me on iPhone

Fine on both platforms for me (windows/android)

Seems to be working now

Edit. Not that it made a difference. Vaguely recall this video but don’t think I saw it

Third guess. Agree on the random titles.

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Second try. Good video this one!

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Second go this one. Didnt have a clue yesterday

Yeah our cloud provider is having some networking issues today and I think there was a brief outage.

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Second try. Need to properly watch this one at some point.

2nd shot (lol)

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First go rinsed this video

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Don’t often do Skateboardle but as soon as the music started haha…A rare correct one and even rarer first try. Cracking video.

First go


First go. They shouldn’t have reused Huf’s Skate More track. Poor form.

The best company that never was

First try. I swear we’ve already had this one in the past. Is this the first repeat video?