Stinking Tricks Done Well

Don’t remember that at all for some reason, what a part

Didn’t Tuuka Korhonen do a good one over a bin in a Blueprint thing a while back?
I might’ve misremembered it. Was always a bit torn about him cos he skated a wee bit slow/tic-tacky, but then also did nice unexpected noseslide pretzel stuff.

Also, as far as darkslides go this one (9.29) isn’t too shabby!

Wes is that skater I always forget exists yet despite the amount of wallies and kookiness he’s probably one of my favourites

Nah Wes is zero kook, I think he gets a lifetime pass like Busenitz


He just seems to be one of those guys that can land anything he tries, so when someone suggests something left field he’ll try it and make it and it ends up on a clip