
Who do you work for? A seed company is it?

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But theyā€™re based in the uk?

Just got Ā£400 back from student loans for periods of overpayment (eg. Paying when Iā€™ve been out of work)! Nice surprise.

If anyone wants to check if theyā€™re owed any money back, just sign in to your student loans account and click the ā€˜request a refundā€™ link. Itā€™ll take a couple of days.

Worth doing if you or your partner have ever been on maternity leave or been unemployed for periods, some of my friends have got up to Ā£800 back

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We have offices all over mate.

Passed my work probation a month early. Stoked


Where I live they do this thing every other Monday where the council comes to pick up all your random junk and furniture etc. Everyone leaves it out on the street on Sundays so you can go hunting for street bounty. If you drive to the posh neighbourhoods thereā€™s some good stuff, I found a hammock & stand and one of those hanging egg chairs. Been dangling around in the garden all afternoon with a beer and a guitar that I got for 50 bucks in a garage sale we found on the way. Just barbecued some lamb chops and now Iā€™m back in the hammock for a nap.


Weā€™ve got the ā€œScrap Monā€ by us, but he ay council. Heā€™s just some gypo in a van

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Drove past a nice armchair twice today. Looked ok from the road but probably full of old people farts.

Got no space for more crap in this house.

1/ Stoked this forum still exists in some form. Used to lurk hard and post occasionally back in the day. So itā€™s very cool to see it again after all these years.

2/ Decided to take the cruiser with big 60mm soft wheels skating instead of my regular board and had the best skate Iā€™ve had in ages on that thing. Might just skate it full time hah.

Tried to relive the magic the next day though and the bearing blew out. Full karmic restoration


Unashamed CMOAC for something completely inconsequential. For some reason Jereme Rogers liked my Instagram story referencing a niche bit of car podcast humour about premixed Rainex screenwash.


The ladies call me Rainex
Cos I dont know what Ima say next
I wash my screen with swag
Got a chamois in a bag



I suppose itā€™s just reinforced the fact heā€™s completely off his bean.

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Screenwash on
Screenwash off
Catch me running to the bathroom
And i ainā€™t even touching cloth

The way i be whisper rapping
You can call it obscene

But my windscreen is crystal
Call me mr sheen


I went to Wrexham to help out my old pal with some stuff and go see some cwl animals at Chester Zoo on Saturday. That was ace, lots of cool animals and tha.

I also managed a skate and a catch up with some mukkas yesterday despite it being damp throughout the entire day, filmed a clip towards a wee edit and had a chilling drive back 'ome.

Fook aye.


Went to a local comedy gig in Jericho.

You can imagine the audience PhD students etc. I was there late, so had to sit at the front and they asked me what my job was, so you can imagine I was getting battered for the next 45 mins hahaha.


First session in three weeks last night wasnā€™t as horrible as I thought it was going to be. Made a legit crooked grind on a ledge too, so expect a sponsor me video happening soon.


Footage? Haha, thatā€™s an amazing name to see back on here

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Haha, when Iā€™ve got them faster than 2mph, Iā€™ll whip the bailgun out.


Ankle 90% better, bit of pain if I tip it over and push too far but generally feels good to go. Back on my skateboard tonight, hopefully I can make it past warming up this time.

Decent enough sleep last night after weeks of poor sleep/insomnia - Iā€™d given my daughter one of my pillows when she was ill and completely forgot until yesterday afternoon, so went and got a new pillow, problem resolved :upside_down_face: