
Alright there treacle.

Croc leather? It’ll be a no from me, chief.

Hang on, it isn’t croc is it? Is it patent leather? Looks a bit suspect whatever it is.

Dunks just won’t ever be done right again will they?! No wonder you still see Ishod wearing his versions from 3 years ago or whatever it was now.

These just have cancelled out several years of bad Dunks for me.

I owned some of the highs from years ago briefly before regrettably selling them on for far too cheap. They had a fat tongue and looked incredibly weird on the foot.

Ooof shiny stars on my Dunks? No thanks.

i realise im coming to this about 6 months later but this seems like a big deal. your wife sailed a yacht around the world? running ukskateforum seems infinitely less cool in comparison homie :smiley:


Not singlehanded, she did the Clipper yacht race with about 12 other boats. It’s proper gnarly, not sipping prosecco sunbathing on deck, but like monster waves in the southern ocean, procedures for if you get armed pirates attacking, what to do if a submerged container holes your boat (like that ‘All is Lost’ film). She got nerve damage in her hands from handling lines (ropes) and hypothermia at one stage as well. 2 people died on other yachts, so that kind of tells you the level of gnarl.


mate i assumed it wasn’t singlehanded! it still sounds absolutely insane. whenever you guys can’t decide something is she just like “bitch i sailed round the world, go wash the dishes”


Can confirm this as 100% true.


She is CMO for a start-up and did 3x zoom conference work calls yesterday whilst breastfeeding a 2 month old, she gives literally zero fucks


Mothers can be truly terrifying. They handle so much shit and we’re basically there to open jars


On the topic of sailing round the world and not supreme, Pritchard has just embarked on some sort of round the world sail or something? Looks gnarly


Not around the world, it’s just the Atlantic.


Sailing the Atlantic can be reasonably straightforward really, (for someone who has a decent amount of sailing experience). Pritchard is rowing it though. Good luck you nutter.

Apparently they’ve already had to abandon due to a broken seat mechanism meaning they can’t row. They are going to try and get it fixed in Fuerteventura and relaunch from there.

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I haven’t flown my kite since ownership, literally no wind at all and I’m on the fucking coast. Don’t want to say it’s the fault of Supreme as that’s now for the lawyers to decide.


I feel I should reimburse them for the bubbles. Absolute lifesaver at 2am a couple of nights ago, then Peppa this morning was about bubbles, and on the way to her first day at nursery she saw the other kids out the back with bubbles. Glad to be packing bubbles right now.