The Continually Updated Footage Thread

Potentially the only reimbursement they’ll get this year.

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I guess the QS Top 10 of the week is pretty much the same thing now

I swear Mark Appleyard was coming out with some new online video mag type thing recently? Did that ever come out?

Trust fall extras has some of the worst filming I have ever seen! Ruined so many tricks, spots etc. No need to make an edit of the uneditable stuff, would be better if filmer said that he lost the footage rather than put it out.
Please don’t say that it was Jacob Harris, i’m usually a fan.


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Should we start a thread for WBATB?

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Already have one…

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Ah yes.

Next Toy Machine part. For such a little 'un he’s avoided most of the pitfalls of grom style. Some of the no-comply and late shuv stuff on transition is mental.

He could do with growing a foot or so taller, but he’s definitely got a good flick

a best of, plus some solid demo footage. still a pleasure to watch


I need some great miniramp sections. Need inspiration to learn a new trick tonight. I really want a mayday to be honest.

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This is so fucking sick:

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Didn’t get the mayday ha, didn’t try it many times though. It’s a real mindfuck of a trick for me, I can’t convince my shoulders to stop going round. I have no trouble with feeble fakies and other stuff but 50’s, nah.

Try a back smith stall to fakie, it’s a bit of a contortion, but you can easily do it in a reverty manner, and can advance it to more a pivot fakie style.

I find with the mayday you gotta have those shoulders turned so hard that if you bail it you’re looking over the deck rather than in the ramp! I love em but can’t even do a 5-0 grind back in normal! Losi grinds or stalls are a fun one to learn too if you’re after new tricks!

Good shout.
Breaking down a new move into several steps really helps me figuring it out.

Sounds like you will be sliding to fakie, which is a cardinal sin when it comes to maydays. Pivot off the back truck only. No revert motion.

I remember when I learned them back in the day I started by keeping my weight totally in the ramp, so no stall on the platform. Get them like that so you get used to the motion and then you can progress to getting onto the platform. CF: can you do certain deaths? That would probably help get you into the mindset as they take more commitment than a feeble.

I struggle to do backsmith stalls haha. There is something about backside stalls that throw me, it’s because my grinds are literally hooked by the heel and smith stalls are precarious like that, I couldn’t even 5050 stall fully on the deck if I tried, i’m programmed.
Fakie though I can do pivot to fakies, because my body is already going that way.
I know it will be one of those unlock your brain moments and it will come.

I wish I’d learnt pivot fakies. Weirdly, I can do them frontside. Sometimes sloppy, but usually pivoted.
My fifties are weird, though…back truck always slips to the wrong side. Its not very nice looking. I blame that for the lack of mayday in my bag.

aka the Chesson grind