Toy Machine - Real Life Sucks

Probably thread worthy


I really enjoyed it. A shorter, mellow team video but with a couple of wtf moments, and some great parts.

Jeremy Leabres seems to have spent his entire career injured, so itā€™s sick he came through with a really strong part.

Georgia Martin who I hadnā€™t heard of until she went pro last week also has a really good part, and I can defiantly see why Toy would want to hold onto her.

Rowley wtf. Sick to see, but wouldve been sicker if heā€™d done this like 5 years ago.

Braden has insane flick. Heā€™s very good.

Not the best video Iā€™ll see this month but cooler than I thought it would be?

The toy machine text/graphics on every third clip got jarring quickly. Feels like they up the amount with each video they put out.

It makes me thinkā€¦do we really need skate videos if theyā€™re not Shake Junt videos?

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Of course! Colin Read in the other thread :facepunch: haha

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Wait. What I miss? New CR video???

Edit: Found it. Not new but Tenguā€™s sick AF.

Was good.
Too much silly graphics.
Last guy was great.
Really liked Georgia and Shiloh.
Didnā€™t like short shorts.

so is the bunny killer on?

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Finally had the chance to watch - incredible skating - especially Hoban and the ladies.
Interesting looking spots, well executed filming and decent music.
Chill out with the fucking logos and ā€˜artā€™ though, Jesus. After the 36th time, Ed Tā€™s handwriting over the footage was less iconoclastic debunking and more advertising. Very cringe advertising.

Over all - this will sell more Toy Machine boards.

P.s. That frontside feeble kickflip out transfer into the bank popped my brain.

Fucking Native Nod for the first section! Fuck Yes. Havenā€™t watched anything else but that alone means the whole video gets a massivce thumbs up from me

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Iā€™m 45 and still do it.
Although I must say this time it was a bit overkill.
Itā€™s the toy video aesthetic though.

A lot of people over at slap were scratching heads at Georgia Martin turning pro but I think sheā€™s made a pretty good first impression full part. She seems quite young too (Shiloh also) so hopefully thereā€™s a lot more to come (As Sinclairā€™s scribble said ā€œKeep 'em comingā€).

Jeremy Leabres also surprised me. Last part I remember from him was an Emerica video a while back.

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I thought you were all just being a bit moany but no, it was crazy overkill. Luckily Leabres was really good otherwise it would have ruined it. I kinda managed to block it out more later or maybe first part was too graphic heavy.
Really enjoyed it though, skating was really good.

The 2 girls were rad, Axels the man and a lesser spotted heelflip 5050 on a handrail.

Good vid, Gawj graphics. Is Rowley on ?

I know youā€™re are saying more than one but Toy Machine had Elissa Steamer on the team as a legit member way before it was becoming the norm. They have always been a head of the game in that respect.


It was so fucking annoying.

I didnā€™t mind the graphics, they felt less obvious on second watch to me. Maybe a few too many to be fair, but I did lol at the ā€˜deforming your kids for 20 years one.ā€™

Watched it again this morning. The rider I still canā€™t quite get my head around is CJ Collins. Heā€™s been on for years since he was literally a tiny child, has a pro board, but has never put out a full part for them. I keep waiting for his breakout part, but it never happens. Not sure what heā€™s bringing to the table.

Does he skate big comps and get exposure that way?

No mention of Myles Willard? Creative skating and a good style, really liked it.
Stoked on Toy having more than one girl on the team for sure.
Braden Hobanā€™s stuff was pretty surreal.
Didnā€™t mind the graphics and scribbles, itā€™s a Toy Machine video.


Has Leo Romero found the fountain of youth?

I liked it. Felt like a proper Toy vid.

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Double post. Edit forum acting weird.

CBA to rewrite but good video, liked the Placebo and Eno, the 2 girls crazy good, the rest amazing too. Graphic overkill