Traitors (Spoilers Everywhere)

Just getting into this now, agree about Minah, love her, she’s playing an absolute blinder as a traitor but at the same time she doesn’t seem to have a hint of malice about her. The big lad and his stupid fucking french polishers are doing my head in, hope he goes soon.

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I have no idea what you mean by this but it’s got me in stitches. Do you mean Tyler with his giant curtains?

The “game” at the end of last night’s episode could’ve been better as a “game” but as a tension exercise it was brilliant. Some of the more annoying personalities are gone now and it’s shaping up nicely. Find myself rooting for Minah and Linda to go all the way. Linda’s am-dram antics are actually endearing me to her in a “so bad it’s good” way.

French polishers

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Urgh really!? She just gets on my tits.

By rights she shouldn’t last another hour in there but this lot might randomly swing away from her at the next round table.

At the end of the day the game is to get everyone to pick any name that isn’t yours so in that respects the herd thing is perfectly understandable.

I’m not sure they’re thinking of it on that level though.

There’s that one guy who is dead set on Linda and he’s not going to be murdered for at least one more day. Also the new diplomat guy basically knows it’s her after her dreadful breakfast display. Hopefully they get her next go.


I’m fully on the Linda hate train. How she’s still there is beyond me. The only thing I can think is that they’ve sort of banked her as a traitor in their mind and gone hunting others.

It’s amazing how quickly they can jump on one person though. Must be so gutting and frustrating to be on the receiving end of what happened to Tyler

Yes. Fuck off Linda.

Is it just me or has this series lost its edge? Feels like a lot less drama and I can’t put my finger on why that is.

Yeah, I’m way less invested with this one.

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I came to watching it after Series 1 ended. I heard all the hype that the ending was insane. I thought it looked like absolute dogshit but gave it a go.

I was instantly watching 4 or 5 episodes a night. Could not stop.

Second series was a painful wait between episodes.

This one…meh. just feels a like a bunch of fairly unlikeable people throwing darts around.

The set piece games are not pitting them against each other much too. I never loved the tasks but these have been really poor.

I guess as well stuff like traitors turning on each other is expected now.

Linda giving Minah the green light to vote for her was decent. I’ll give her that.


I’ve really enjoyed this series all the way up until last nights episode. There was something a bit shit about it. Can’t put my finger on it.

Minah’s choice of recruitment was very uninspiring. She’s made a couple of bad decisions like this. Maybe she isn’t playing the game as well as we first believed.

To me that round table felt heavily edited to get the drama. They really worked out who the traitors are essentially and that has taken some of the edge off it. I am hoping that after a couple of recruitments it will get spicy again

I really wanted it to take a left turn and for Leanne to be voted out just because I wanted to see her reaction. Facials reminded me of this:


The egos getting in the way of the Faithful working as a team is actually an interesting dynamic but the actual personalities are grating.

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Think Meina might have fucked herself picking Charlotte


Wtf is this task. Another dogshit one that doesn’t move the game on.

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Fucking singing nursery rhymes backwards into a gramophone? What the fuck

I’ve been starting the episodes at 9:15 so that I can fast forward through the challenges


Joe. Can. Fuck. Right. Off.


Please someone murder him.

And I’m obviously not talking about the show. I hate everything about his horrible, insipid, twatty being.

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Can’t believe he’s a teacher. His students must despise him.


Joe is a massive dipshit. Dan was a jebend too. Theyre all pretty meh this year

Richard Osman says the best position is to be a faithful who gets recruited near the end and he’s bang on.

Minah is doomed. Charlotte might make it.

Series 2 hinged on Molly being unable to vote for Harry because the bond was unshakeable. Series 1 nearly had that.

No one has that level of connection this time.

Actually maybe that’s why this series feels a bit flat… It feels like there’s no real narrative or drama or tactics going on because they’re still just a bunch of random people who haven’t made any real connections. Or at least what we’ve been shown anyway.