Trick Of The Week 3: Crooks with Frankie


Same as I do about the other challenges. Buggered. :grinning:

I don’t think many people have access.

Yeah to get to a jump box I need to drive 5km and pay 10€ can’t we just keep it to shit accessible tricks on flatland and curbs?!?

Yes, sounds more convenient for most of us. There’s about a million tricks we can do on flatland, curbs and manual pads.
I reckon we can all have access to a quarter pipe too?

I’m a bit late to the party this week so I did a dodgy bonus trick.


Nice :+1:t3:, that park looks ace.

It’s Victoria Park in Newbury.

It is indeed, just as I got there 3 council workers appeared in 2 vans, a car and a jet wash on a trailer to try and remove the massive cock someone had spray painted onto the ground. It survived.



I’m already bored… yawn…This forum is trying to stifle my creativity bla bla…

Yeah fine, I’ll do something like a heelflip.


I’ve only done 1 heelflip in my life

Do what you want but the point of these Trick Of The Week things is that as many people as possible can take part in them so it’s probably better to set a trick on something most people can have access to, no?

what an opportunity

i mean, it’s a heelflip. god’s own trick. strive for greatness

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The council obviously are unfamiliar with the unwritten “all skateparks must have at least one painted cock” law.

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Glorious arc of of piss/semen emanating from the crown optional

I haven’t seen a sprayed cock for a while, but most places I’ve been recently are covered in failed swastika attempts.

dicks, swastikas, weed leaves/420 and the obligatory “________ is a nonce”

Don’t forget the ‘S’ What the Hell Was That 'S' Thing Everyone Drew in School?

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