Tricks You Would Like To See

At my local kerb spot there’s a slightly downhill manny pad and combined with the angle of the run up (which slopes a little bit) I’ve become deluded that I can do a front three to nosewheelie on it. Might put myself through hell for it next time I’m there for you, Franky.


The best front 360s dip the nose which would make this trick harder to do. Probably possible but the 360 would look gross as it’d be mobbed.

Though maybe if it was a really fast rotation it cud work?

I bet it could look well bad but I’d be interested to see a few people do it with their own style, out of curiosity.

You know how Gonz does these frontside 360s that are basically a 180 and a pivot? Call that a “mobbed” 360 if you want but I bet he could do one of these into manual and it would be incredible.
Pretty sure Jemery Wray could make a frontside 360 manual look good too.

Oh yes mate please do! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Or Mason Silver maybe

This would never look good unless it was a nosemanual.

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Thinking about this - it’s not something Daniel Castillo ever did? He did a lot of pivoty manual stuff

It’s one of those trick where you’ll go 270 in pivot the rest, quickly end up going diagonal because you body can’t stop and you end up coming out like a broken He-man toy.

BS no-comply wallie type thing up a ledge to BS noseblunt would be sick - sort of inspired by the ones that Nick Roberts does on transition

First trick in this:

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I started doing backside no comply wallride things a good while ago, because they are easy and sort of a old person wind down type of trick but feels new and progressive, ha.
Anyway, I got a couple to dinky 50 on a ledge and I really wanted to get them properly, shame that I have not skated street for over 2 years. I really wanted to get out this summer too.
to noseblunt would look rad if flung out right.

Cameo Wilson
Santana Saldana
Reemo Pearson

Wth? Are these real people? How fitting for Darkstar to have a squad of people with utterly terrible names.

I also think we need another thread for most punchable person, as Adam Dyet is currently way out ahead.

I don’t endorse this trick but maybe someone suggested it.


Ouch my spine

A while back I wondered if anyone had done a fs bigspin (fs shove) to frontside noseblunt slide.

Saw this this morning but can’t tell if it’s a late fs shove?

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Yeah, late shove. That might be the only way to do them as it’s easier to get the height.

Was thinking about cab to switch fs crook yesterday. On a ledge. Fucking impossible I reckon. And terrifying

I reckon its well do able, defo from over the end of a ledge and not from the side.

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Yeah if you can cab back T then someone can take it an inch further into fakie fs crook.

Chalmers in flip sorry! Around half way mark, whole video is etched into my memory.

Pretty sure I saw Awadh do them on the Glastonbury festival ramp too but my memories of them are a little hazy. (Where is Awadh he ripped!)


Unexpected, but that was done well.

Nice, surprised by how clean that was.