
Love Duffel. Yeha he really goes on a bit sometimes but he isn’t the rattiest of skate rats. True passion

Noticed a shit ton of skaters on insta plugging the CBD creams and rubs recently

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Bucky Lasek is guilty of the CBD shit. I only follow him because I’m into Subarus

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Alex Olson, Koston (he must have only bots left it seems)

Can someone give me a rundown on what’s the deal with Koston please?

I have no clue what he’s been doing for over 10 years nearly

It’s like following a massive bell end, just leave it at that

Ok, let’s get closer to home, which UK skaters have you unfollowed?


Fos…I think?

Oh yeah, Grove.

sex skateboards

Yep, again. Holy shit that got embarrassing.

  1. Man draws on underwear.
  2. Man photographs young girl wearing underwear with his drawing on it.
  3. Man profits.
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Sounds like the ultimate description for when they turn into metoo skateboards

Aw man, I’ve genuinely been workng on a few projects and one of them is a CBD balm. Should’ve done it a few years ago. I shall prepare for the mass unfollow :slight_smile:

I’ve been testing it a few months and it works great. Finalising the final product for launch. Maybe it’s just everyone is doing it because it does work, Fuck knows, it works for me though and i’m skating pretty much every day now

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I personally would be interested in hearing more to be honest. I know nothing about it but I trust your judgement on it’s benefits on skaters of our age.

It definitely seems to work. It’s not like those magnetic wristbands.

What’s the deal with it? Where do you rub it, what does it do for you etc? (Serious question)

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We’ve increased our CBD % to 500mg which is the strongest out there as far as I’m aware, it’s actually going through the final stage of production.

I know folks are wary and I was too but 95% of people who have tested it (Skaters & BMXers) including a lady with arthritis have given feedback saying it’s helped them too.

It won’t fix a broken leg or a severe injury but those little aches and pains from twisting or tweaking that you sometimes get, it works amazing for that. I slammed and did the splits on Monday night and thought I’d be out a few days. Went out and filmed a trick with Skate Harrogate next day with no discomfort at all.


It worked on my daughter and I believe most things are snake oil.

I think people stretch the truth on CBD to a degree, but for the main part, like build said, it ain’t no power balance band that’s for sure

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I fancy trying it out, can you advise what I should do and be my dealer Ron?
looks shifty

Yeah I want some now too.