Who wants to be a Melon Air? Isolation Edition

Typos killed me off and rushing… haha

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I also thought it was a race. Who cares, top fun.


I thought Mark was spelled Marc. Jipped out of the coveted 32nd spot.

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Was amazing though, serious props to Dent!

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Seconded. Can anyone make these?

Another, another, another!!! Haha… big up Dent!

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Woot, stoked on 4th.
Biiiiig up dent that was great fun.

Ran out of time at 30 questions.

Agreee with all in that it was really nicely done.

20/50 right. :sunglasses:

11th now, stoked with that
24/50 right

Big up dent, that was sick. Know nothing about US spots it would seem

any way to see the full results list?


Danny Way as youngest soty was a surprise.

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Ooh. Think I was 12th.

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Yes… I merked you.

On one question.

On a blind guess.


Have to admit, I cheated and our lass answered the Avril Lavigne question for me

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Yeah my thinking is he won it twice ages ago, so the first time he must of been young.

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Wish i had that excuse for getting it right, oof.


Controversy. So the winner had less accuracy than second place, but a higher score.

Why are people saying score/50? It goes up to 60.