Alex Moul really needs your help

Hes probably got the massive 'tache because he feels self conscious as fuck!
I always think of him skating those waxed kerbs in the ‘Rollersnakes 540’ video :star_struck:
My teeth are fucked. Parents literally never got me to brush so i didnt start brushing till i was about 13. I ended up getting a heart infection due to bad teeth which almost finished me (in hospital for 3 months). While i was in hospital they took out the worst teeth and i now only have 13 left.



+1 for the ol gnashers not being tip top


Poor guy. How do you even eat properly? Hope he gets sorted. Donated. Was quite a shock seeing that photo cos he could have been an early 90’s Team Handsome let’s face it.

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Mouly was (is) the same age as me. I wasn’t in Spirit of the Blitz, or Playing Fields, I never totally killed Munster, hes a proper hero to me.

He’s seemed happy since Erin.

Let’s keep a proper uk legend alive, even if it’s just a weeks beer money…


Having just returned from Jamaica, there’s plenty of life left in them beauties

Hopefully he’ll be sorted by Sunday as the go fund me is at $11k already.

Let’s hope he doesn’t come out looking like Biebel.

With teeth problems like that, money will just be the beginning. Long road to recovery getting those things sorted out.

If things were that dire over there you wonder why he didn’t come back to the UK. Not talking dentistry per se, as that’s obvs a nightmare here at the moment, but just in terms of family support etc. Can’t imagine what living in a shed for years has done to his mental health.

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@anonymity when was the last time he was back?

I remember bumping into him at the local in Abingdon one Christmas was jokes.

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It’s probably a right laugh until all your teeth fall out

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Damn, reading back, I didn’t mean to be so agro.
It’s a big shame of mine, but I’m nowhere near as bad as poor Mouly.

Hope he gets his treatment asap, fuck the social stigma and the cost associated.

Yeah, very true!

I guess even once the work is done he still has the ‘different face in the mirror’ to contend with?!

Just getting through all the procedures will probably be no joke for him. He’s obviously not been near a dentist in a while and it’s not like just getting a filling or two. He’ll be looking at surgical extractions etc. before any reconstruction can begin. But, apart from the money thing he’s probably in the best place to get it all done.

I think he just knew he wouldn’t be allowed back if he came back- I was in the same situation for 3 years, but came back when my passport was running out. It’s really tough living in the states without your papers, it get’s really exhausting. I remember trying to get a hotel room with cash and sleeping rough because you had to have to have a credit card. I found that depressing after a few years in my twenties, god knows what it’s like in your 40’s/50’s. Hope he get’s it sorted and more importantly can keep it up. It’s still his own fault to some degree, I have sympathy and donated but in the grand scheme of things ( seen what’s happening in Haiti lately? ) you make your own bed.

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Is it pronounced mole or mowl? I’ve never known for sure

It’s mole.



Hence the graphics.


Get well soon Mouly. :heart:


Finally got around to donating yesterday.

Hate the idea that money is going to fund the industrial machine that is the US healthcare system, but as someone with a few minor teeth problems and how that’s affected me, I can’t imagine how it must affect him, so hopefully we’ll see him healthy soon.