Getting new gnashers and getting rid of the muzzy will take a good decade or two off the guy.
Super stoked for him that this has hit its target.
Getting new gnashers and getting rid of the muzzy will take a good decade or two off the guy.
Super stoked for him that this has hit its target.
Not a fan of the tache
And the excuse for the jaunty flat cap?
Kind of matches. I like to think Mouly is Howard Moon.
He said as much in the comments that the moustache was to hide the shame.
To be fair to the US health system, I needed my wisdom teeth removing but I didn’t have dental coverage with my job. I went on the free medicare coverage and sure you get a bit of a shitty dentist, probably all students, but they removed my wisdom teeth without any issues completely free of charge. I think because it was a necessary procedure and not cosmetic.
That being said, once I was at my job long enough I got dental coverage and went to a new dentist 6 months later because one of my teeth cracked somehow. I needed it removing, along with a crown and NINE fillings. I thought bloody hell nine?! Once I paid $1400 (insurance forked up the other $4000) he only really needed to fill 3 teeth, the other 6 were the little front/middle teeth where he proceeded to scrape the tiniest amount of filling onto where it would stick. Took me for a ride, bastard.
New nashers
Mad story. Glad he’s fixed.
I know Its been a long time and some of you were probably wondering what happened to me.
Well I’ve been through a lot in the last year and a half but I’m finally well again ( thanks to all of you ) so here is what happened.
Since the gofundme that my mate Ryan and Erin my wife started for me, we were approached by some people ( may 2023 ) who said they would help me get full reconstructive mouth surgery for the money everyone had raised if we do a before and after promotion thing . Obviously we were excited as that is a massive life changing amount more of dental work than the money raised. over the next 4 months We kept having phone meetings , lots of talk of “you are going to be a changed man” , “trust us” “it’s happening one thousand percent“ “ it’s going to be a pilot for a TV show” Which I did a zoom meeting with a whole production team. (great we thought). Over this time I was getting more and more sick, throwing up every day, and I could even smell poison in my snot when I blew my nose, horrid. All of a sudden these people just ghosted me, they made all these promises then completely dissapeared , never answered a phone call and I never heard from them again.
Luckily for me Andy Roy had a word with his dentist at global dental implants and they agreed to help and just in the nick of time. They did ex rays and found multiple infections etc and it was very clear everything had to come out asap. I was showing signs of blood poisoning and everything started to get a bit more real. Surgery was scheduled and On the day of, they told Erin that I had a cyst the size of a thumb inside my face and they will have to cut that out give me a bone graft and get a biopsy . Which they took care of. They did the surgeries, everything went well and this is where I am right now. Massive thanks to everyone who helped, in every way , I’ve been humbled beyond belief from all of this and I love you all very much indeed, especially my lovely wife who put up with me through all this xxx cheers xxx
Amazing. Taken 30 years off him.
He looks like the Rollersnakes days
That tache was not a good look, but I suppose he was hiding his rotten mouth
Glad he’s got himself sorted!
So stoked on this!
Will do a casper flip on this on the rug later in celebration.
Not sure whether I posted this at the time but I made this for display as well. I found the original photo on Nasa archive and tweaked the colours, stretched to make it look as authentic as possible. Reshaped the board too