Glad to see a referee enforcing the rules

Didn’t enjoy watching that very much.


Why does he have to wear his helmet for flatground. I like some Andy Anderson footage so don’t want to hate too much but why can’t he go through the standard tricks first before bringing out shit like the wet stop.


Can’t really argue with his approach in terms of playing the game, his trick selection clearly threw Pudwill off as well. It was just not very nice to watch.

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Right, that’s just Andy Anderson’s thing. Pudwill’s kickflip was really nice.


I do sometimes wonder what his threshold is for danger. I 100% understand wearing a helmet if you’re skating a gap or a handrail as the risk of a head injury is high.

But at this point he may as well just wear one walking around the shops.

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That might be the first time ever that I genuinely wish I could unwatch something.


At least it was a short game


I think that might have been more awkward than Mike V vs Chris Cole. Probably the only time Berra was funny.

Super weird game.

Because he’s a bit of kook. Taking photos of the rules, notebook slightly odd.

Why wasn’t the wet whatever trick not allowed?

It felt a bit cool kids picking on the ‘different’ kid to me.


…or on the flip side (no pun), the kid that thinks they’re to cool to follow the rules, even though everyone else has too when they enter or be dissatisfied. It just left a bad vibe from the start that didn’t improve.

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Ah yes, I’d forgotten the multi rule breaker at the start - he was probably still processing all the rochambo calculations.

That wet stop thing was quite nifty though.

Saw numerous head smacks today and would 100% have preferred it if each of those skaters was wearing a helmet.

Having said that, I think it comes down to personal choice and I generally hate rules but seeing people go out, eyes spinning and wobbly gait…it definitely makes you think.

this weekend’s games were less than inspiring;
luckily Slap posted this gem


Does anyone here wear TJ sized big pants? Isn’t it a total ball ache having to ‘draw the curtains’ before every trick? What’s the upside?


Yeah it looks like a lot of hard work having to do that so often, I love his skating though.

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Ramondetta was sick. What happened to him, he just disappeared

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He announced his retirement, then he retired.


Totally missed this, he is one of my favourites. Should pay more attention.