Always a great watch when CJ is involved


I’m definitely a Joslin fan so I might well be biased but Reyes seemed to act like a bit of a baby in that and he should’ve just conceded the whole game when Joslin did three switch fs heels!

Why would you concede the game because someone did a trick?

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It wasn’t a serious suggestion, Reyes just seemed a bit cringe in that to me. I’ll move on don’t worry.

Mason didn’t look too arsed about that. Can’t blame him cos, well, it’s the Berrics and it’s no.13 but if so why bother entering? Are they paid to be on it or under specific pressure from sponsors to do it?

Is that Eric Bragg?
Not going to watch it to verify but if it is, fuck him


100% autistic

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Jamie Griffin has quit HopKing and is back in Ireland. Does this mean that he’s already won/lost BATB?
I mean I don’t really care but Jamie intrigues me.


Finals are streamed live some time in November so he’s definitely not won it. Might have lost it already though :man_shrugging:t2:

Good for him tbh. They probably needed him more at this point


David Reyes takes skateboarding way too seriously but holy fuck his flatground frontside flip was a thing of beauty


Has he actually been spotted back in Ireland or has he just filmed enough Instagram content to post while he’s out in America? I don’t follow him but keep getting sponsored posts. He does a lot of just board (no trucks and wheels) tricks, huh? For a lack of a better term.

Watching BATB, I’ve just realised that fakie 360 flips where the tail doesn’t hit the floor/make a pop sound have started to annoy me, out of nowhere.


Is he? Genuine question. I’ve seen so many traits of ASD when I’ve watched videos of him but never anything saying he’s diagnosed.

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Yeah he’s been posting a ton of shit in his shed.
And this…


I’ve met him a few times and I deal with a lot of kids with ASD diagnoses and my spider sense tingled hard with &&.
I’m not an expert though obvs

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Yep. Joslin’s flat ground game has been sick for years

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Berger’s got some Mike Mo clean pop going on too though. Never really bothered with him on Flip but he’s decent. Just came up against a machine.

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There were some good moments in that, I thought Berger did a few too many hardflips and it tripped him up. I liked how Joslin got gradually more aggressive with trick selection.

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I know I can google it but has Joslin ever played PJ in BATB? That feels like a 16 min clip.

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