Complete and utter shit. None of it makes sense.
But I will be watching next week as well! He’s got me.
Kinda enjoying it.
Last line was an Alan Partridge joke in its entirety.
I think thats my only take - tonally, its a bit all over the place.
And then the comedy seems to just be a bit tribute act.
But still, I’m enjoying it.
The Howard Cooke photo flash was unexpected.
The ad/email newsletter says “Feel the fibre of my fabric” which is from Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels when Nick the Greek is haggling over the price of a stereo.
Is he a bit of a wannabe gangster?
I think it’s cool that we used to watch him for his skating which minus the high socks was pretty rad. Now we’re watching him act and honestly it’s not bad - especially when I think back to other skateboarders turned actors. I understand the style of the show might not be everyone’s cup of tea but I like it. I think what I like most are the winks and nudges to true skate culture. Gonz portraits, Howard Cooke’s Ollie and that mental skater X filmer stage scene.
If you really loathe him, don’t watch.
The main problem I have with it now is that it’s just so one dimensional. The whole thing is just about getting his series made and that’s it. There are no sub plots bringing an extra level/layer to it.
Most good shows have at least two or three other things going on a long side the main plot and it all meets up at the end. That is true character and world building. What other work/problems does Blondey have going on? Why was Max(?) not at the audition? What were the new writer and gay actor up too after we the audience find out they know each other? A few extra details into peoples lives could really open it all up.
Also it’s for the BBC (supposedly), so the fake ad break(?) really takes me out of believing that.
No! Do the opposite! Revel in his narcism! Marvel at one of the great egos of our age!
I’ve never seen Street Dreams (2009).
Is that good?
I bet it’s incredible.
What is the best mainstream skate movie/tv production out there besides Thrashin’ and Gleaming the Cube?
BTTF and Police Academy 4 don’t count as they were just scenes within a film.
I rewatched Kids this year after watching the doc on the film. Been a long time.
I don’t recommend it. Tough watch.
Please watch Street Dreams tonight.
I remember next to nothing about this. Probably a one watch wonder. It’s a film. It has skateboarding in it.
Is that an AI generated poster?
This must be good as it got a sequel…
It looks like it but it was the DVD cover in 2008 and so I’d say no, it’s just a bit shit.
This really exists. It’s the bane of every “skateboard dvd” eBay search I ever do.
Ah, it was just the guy at the front, where his foot is, makes it look like AI wrongness.
Some fancy lad type setups there.