Classic Sidewalk Forum

Cubix (Duffs beanie) getting hustled by Danny Dyer…


Pre-youtube, pre-facebook, etc. the forum was actually pretty sick to keep up to date while I was travelling.
Longest time I was away for without returning was about 9 months, but I felt like I was bang up to speed as I’d just dip into chat about video premieres and events, etc. years before actual event videos would be posted online.


Massive shame events have dried up.

Half the fun was all the piss head stories that would come out the next day.


I think I joined the old forum whilst at uni and having access to the internet via the student union. Probably 2000 ish?

I was working at RNR skate shop too as one of the weekend managers which also had internet. From there I got involved with the Save our skate shop campaign on the forum against route scum.

It was my first taste of activism and was involved in contacting the SOS shops around the country to get their intel on route scums dirty tactics to warn other SOS shops.

I remember a cartoon picture ( that I can’t find anywhere) of a kid sitting on a bag of cash on a skateboard with £ signs and route one stamped on the bag. They were sent out as posters to every SOS shop in the ad pages in sidewalk.

I did search for it all when I came back to the forum 4/5 years ago but it seems those early posts were dumped for data costs reasons .

I also loved the bearing Abec topics and the groms gaining engineering degrees over night arguing about abec 9’s . Daft fucks hahaha .

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That’s fucked man! Glad it was a good thing in the end .

I used to go to RNR when I was at uni! £35 blanks!

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Ha well I’ve defo sold you some skate gear then . Those blanks were rad. Strong as fuck , it’s all I skated , even with a shop full of trade price decks .

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Damn straight, I still have that Cats & Triangles X SS20 tee you flowed me when I bought a pair of Dunks or BAs from you guys. I look pretty buff in it, so everybody gets 2 tickets to the gun show when I wear it, haha.

Malanax was another funny guy, I think he gradually ended up skating less and less and so stopped posting. There was one photo of him pretty drunk/baked sitting there in his sitting room and the lighting made his forehead look massive and that got some comedy Photoshopping several times over.

I met Joxa and Frontsiderocker via The Bob shortly after I moved to Bristol and then some years later, I met a load of forumers who moved to Bristol for Uni, notably WFTW, Ham Sandwich, Perpetual and Flyingfluffmonkeyman. Good bunch of heads there.


Haha this reminds me I dialled into my family zoom call the other day and my dad was wearing my old cats and triangles t shirt that I must have left at home.

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Mind. Blown.


The best insult ever was by him about someone who was worried about an exam or something and he said don’t worry ur going to fail anyway ur a duncebreed.


So funny because it’s true. The best days were seeing malanax as the last poster in that thread.

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He got into that pretty quickly after he stopped posting, I think. His Instagram had these amazing beautiful places on it.

He phoned me once to say he was in Edinburgh and up for a skate but it was really short notice. Like, that day.

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Your graphs/stats etc were incredible.
Do you still have any of them?


Fuck, yes.

The annual awards posts would be a good reminder of who was up to what.

And the ‘Your year in three photos’ threads.

Simpler times…

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On the Bumwin note not long ago I was watching a random yoga instructional video on youtube, scrolled down to the comments and saw this



This is what I meant earlier in the thread.

Defo posted this story before, sorry to those who already know it- but I had never met bumwin in real life, and years after his forum jokes I was at a dub festival and randomly recognised him a few people next to me out of thousands of people, we caught eyes and somehow both recognised each other. Was so weird. Pretended to shoot me too! Really sick guy. He was stoked. Just such a weird coincidence.

Malanax was a legend, although I don’t think he ever really skated. I joined the forum in like 2006 and started skating Newcastle then and he was already kinda over it I think. Sick dude.