Continually updated beat francois lunch v2.0

What is it with pickled everything in Polish cooking though. Bit keen

I made that soup with potatoes, onions, carrots and vegetable broth like you’d make any soup really. The cucumbers were pickled and I added a drop or two of pickle juice and dill. Pretty basic.

I’m dangerously close to cracking sweet potato chips. For years I’ve tried and they’ve just been soft, limp lumps of mush.

Here’s what you do.

Peel your sweet potato.
Cut them into little equal sized rectangles with no tapered ends. If they taper they will burn.
Put them in a big bowl and chuck a fuck load of cornflour all over them. Chuck in a bit of salt as well.

Now pour over your oil and coat that shit. Get your mix over every bit of every chip.

Now add your chips in a single layer to lightly oiled baking tray.

This is where mine fell down a bit because I have a baby so keeping an eye on things on the oven is sometimes impossible.

What you will want to do is put them on the top at a high temp for about 5 minutes and then put them in the middle on medium. If your chips taper off they will burn. Knowing your oven is key.

Check out the integrity of this chip. No sag. It was crispy as fuck and fluffy in the middle.

Notice the tapered burnt ends.

I’m nearly there with these little cunts. Nearly.




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This is how I thought they all were? Whenever I’ve tried them in pubs / etc, it’s always a let down.

I might be tempted to try my own.


Might I suggest par boiling them untill they are just beginning to soften then take them out and bung them in the freezer.

Another tip for chips and roasties in the oven is stick that pan ontop of your hob with just a load of oil, seasoning and some hard herbs if you want (rosemary,Thyme etc) and get it hot as fuck then chuck in your potatoes and Jiggle them around then put it in the oven to give you a nice crispy outside.

Another garlic tip I’ve seen is to break all of the cloves out of the bulb. Stick them in a jar and shake them like you’re Michael J Fox after a couple of lines of coke. Skin should have fallen off.

No way son. Moisture into a sweet potato chip just won’t work.

You have to peel it. Don’t wash it.
Add the cornflour dry and coat.
Then add the oil and then coat.

It has to be in that order. That’s what makes the crust.

I’ve got homemade chips down. Pretty straightforward.

Use maris pipers. They really are the best.

Chop em into your desired chip sizes. Tapered ends aren’t such an issue with regular spuds but you might want to prune to avoid any black ends.

Leave the skin on if you want. Par boil.
Whilst they’re par boiling add a deep rounded baking tray to the oven with a couple of cm deep layer of oil. Stick your oven on high and put the tray in the top.

Par boil for about 7 or 8 minutes… You just need them pliable but not falling apart obviously. Less is better than more.

Drain the chips and wait until there’s no more steam. Chuck your chips in the smoking hot oil trying not to get stray water oil fizzers in your eyes, coat in salt and paprika (and dried green herbs… no no… Not those) if you want and toss them like fuck.

Try and put them on one layer and bake on a 4/5ths type of heat in the middle of the oven. Toss after about 5 minutes so nothing gets stuck and then leave them for about 25 mins. When they’re close to being done, turn the oven off and leave them in there for 5-10 mins. It seems to make them extra dry and crispy.

Proper chips.

Alternatively… Just buy some frozen chips.

Here’s a mumsnet question for you, does anyone use an actifry? And if so for what?

We’ve used ours for the last 4 years but only for frying potatoes and recently roast potatoes.

But you can use them for pretty much anything.

Made salmon tartare for lunch. Perfect with the crazy hot weather we have here right now.
Salmon, red onion, Greek style yogurt, capers, fresh lemon juice, chive, pepper and a drop of Tabasco on fresh, crunchy brown bread, yes. It was made in 5 minutes and well good.

I don’t think you can make proper chips without frying. You are making ‘healthy chips’ which don’t count.

Also niallc is right - par-boil them. It removes the starch. Starch helps the potatoes hold water so if you remove it you can dry them out better.

I take your point on healthy chips but I don’t have space for a fryer. They’re nice though.

Par boiling sweet potato for home-baked chips is a total no no though. It will achieve nothing.

Can everyone please post up your midweek staples.

I’m so bored of eating the same meals week in week out. Need some inspiration.

If anyone’s interested I’ve been eating poached eggs on toast daily for about the last 10 years and am pretty sure I have perfect way of making them

Anyone remember one of the Smith twins interview about this. A load of fucking about with cling film. Amateurs.

I use cling film.

I enjoyed the cling film technique for a while until I got the Tom Kerridge technique of boiling the egg in the shell itself for a 20/30 seconds before cracking in. It’s a game changer when it comes to making them in volume.

If you want a single poacher a nice deep pan is all you need.

Splash of vinegar in the pan of water works wonders

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What’s your method?