Continually Updated Comics/Graphic Novels

Read a few on holiday. Loved Ghost World made me feel nostalgic for my teenage years in the 90s. From Hell was way more than I expected it to be, classic Alan Moore what a total hero that man is. Freak Brothers was in the yurt I stayed in and was just as I remembered it.

And got a new one to read now I’m home.


That Henry & Glenn book looks nuts! Did you see the Danzig/Tom of Finland graphic that Sean Cliver made a couple of years ago?

Yeah I did. I knew about this comic already from one of those comic yearbook things. I thought the Cliver thing was a rip off of this.

I thought it might be a bit of a protracted unfunny joke so didn’t buy it for ages but having started to read it now it’s actually really good. Lots of artists and writers involved. I was sold when they introduced Henry & Glenn’s neighbours…Hall and Oates.

I read a lot of freak brothers and Robert crumb as a kid, as in 9 years old… after that spidey seemed a bit tame

Hahaha Danzig and his bricks

Wow that Henry&Glenn is mental haha.
Has anyone played with the idea of Dragons fucking cars yet? That was a weird site but must have some comedy legs.

Really enjoying this, thanks for the suggestion

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