Continually Updated Personal Footage and Photos

Made a little edit of some footage from a dreadful but quite fun skatepark nearby for Division 24 skate store.
Featuring our very own Mr. Golding, Doctor Tres, Blondroid and various other Wakefield people. Possible contender for lowest skatepark handrail ever?
It did have music on it but YT boyed me off so…


A wet afternoon at Selfridges

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old stuff from the summer


Going through my old tapes while on lockdown… fun to do on an evening when the little ones have gone to bed.

A summer evening session at Hurworth 1999:

Bingo, Kev Dawson, Luke, Rick, Danny and Ronny.


Good lord. Just been sent this clip from a video we made back in Pembs nearly 20 years ago.

My hair is exactly like Simon from the Intebetweeners. Amazing. So fucking bad haha


Rad FSF catch you have there :muscle:t3:

Me and some fooken lads went NYC end of last year and got toasted in 30+ degrees every day. Little clip here for ya enjoyment!


One year ago a few of my mates started up an Instagram account dedicated to the manny pad at our local park (@hydemannypad). Here’s everything that’s gone down on it since…


That’s pretty rad!
I love manuals.

Just stumbled across this clip from my first trip to Barca in 2015 with a bunch older Leeds heads. I’ve only got a couple of lines but I’m mainly posting this because it’s got some semi-recent Paul Silvester footage. The two lines he does at the Arc de Triomf banks was the first time I met him. He did the line in switch first then mirrored it regs. It was so sick to see; growing up in West Yorkshire and seeing first hand proof of this dude I’d heard years of stories of, about being way ahead with switch stuff when he was around.


What was that all about? Not sleeping, ice shoe then living at nan’s house? Lost interest after that.

How the fuck do you fall asleep at the dentists???

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The emperor has well and truly got his invisible clothes on.

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at least he kept the posh accent i guess

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His Nan brought him chips and beans and I didn’t hear him say thank you.

I made it to just over 6 minutes in. Don’t reckon I’m target audience for this one.

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caught that bit while skipping through and was just coming back to mention it, seemed weird as fuck

why would you not acknowledge your nan bringing you chips and beans? haha

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He comes off better in these two videos than in a lot of the other recent toss, but I still get the feeling that everything’s an act. Also putting the message about Coronavirus at the end was kind of nice, but it’s couched in this insincere aloofness about ‘change’. He’s like part social-media ‘wellness’ guru, offering the vaguest of advice, and part upper-class dandy. Like if the Queen started vlogging about mindfulness.