Continually updated running thread

Rad! I’m in.

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Fucksake, went for a longish one was aiming for 15miles and the top I was wearing was really rough ‘will be fine’ or so I thought.
Half way round I was in agony and all I had in my head was a fucking @jamjar character going ‘should’ve Vaseline’d your nipples mate’.
Did 13 miles, way too many little stops and just beyond painful.

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Joined - happy running everyone

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Urgh, I am so sick of skate shoe companies jumping on running. Where were they before it got cool? You know it’s all about money, right? As soon as running isn’t cool, they’ll be gone!


Plus, they look like they’d be equally shit to skate or run in.

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Found it hard to keep going this week. Shite weather and an aching hip/thigh. Just been out now, absolutely howling, got soaked from a freak wave that came right over. Struggled my way back and stopped running as soon as I hit 5K.


Yeah howling wind AND torrential rain yesterday. Still made it but incredibly shit all the same.

Managed day 1 of week 4, of couch to 5k. I haven’t been running recently to due work pattern. Finishing late and getting up early don’t mix


Currently self isolating so no running for another week. Rubbish. Though the weather does look fully grim at the moment.

The weather is utter toss today… Just glad it isn’t cold along with the wet and wind and can therefore stay in shorts longer… Yoga and foam rolling for me now because I have been running and I’m old.

I can’t get rid of an injury problem that first flared up a year ago in my left hip area and although I’ve managed to just about get through training and then doing a marathon yesterday it’s made me miserable and pissed off. Might have a break from running for a bit now but I feel like I exhausted all paths to resolve it with strength work, scans, xray etc.

Mine’s been bothering me ever since I ran a half marathon distance a few weeks back which was further than I’ve run before. I gave it a break for a few days last week but this moring after running yesterday it feels pretty bad. Might need to leave it a bit longer and see if it clears up. I’ll be going fucking spare with this lockdown if I can’t even get out for a run, though.

Either of you spoke to someone like a sports physio about yer hips? Maybe due to unknowingly bad posture/form whilst running ie to low cadence or not stood upright enough/hinging at the hips… My hip problem a year ago came from week glutes. Sorted that via resistance band work and specific hip stretches and not had any probs since.

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Not yet but it’s not been a long standing thing for me really, so I’m hoping it wil just get better by itself. Going to lay off the running for a week and see if I can do some stretching and whatnot while I’m moping around the house getting grumpy.

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Search hip strengthening exercises for runners on YouTube.


I’ve been experiencing very achy / clicky knees and even though I don’t like searching online for symptoms (it always ends up as something terminal) I found something useful looking on the Runnersworld* site and it could be Runners Knee.

One of the suggestions for treating is foam rolling your quads, so I picked one up online last week and shall be giving it a go.

I’m very green when it comes to foam rolling - can they be useful?


*Knee pain after running: 4 common causes

They work if you think they work - there’s nothing wrong with them, but they’re definitely not the magical cure-all some would have you believe… Over the long term, you’re better off dong active/dynamic stretching, mobility and strength training to build up the areas you’re talking about.

In general, skaters seem to need more work on hamstrings, hip flexors and glutes as the quads are so dominant.

Just got back, nice and sunny (really quite warm when it’s clear sun) but so windy.
Kind of enjoyed it behind me.

Rob Welsh would take issue with that.

I got one a while ago and I used it for about a day. It hurts like hell… Maybe I used it wrong.

Exactly who I had in mind!

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