Continually Updated YouTube Thread

“It includes support from architects Richard Rogers and Zaha Hadid”

Zaha Hadid built the intentionally-skateable Riverside (Transport) Museum in Glasgow.


I really like that spot, but I wish they hadn’t updated it.
It was better when it wasn’t ‘obviously’ a skate spot.

Do you know if Hadid had anything to do with the additions?

She and her firm did not. Toby Paterson and Ray Dower (formerly of Uncle John & Whitelock) designed it and Concreate, Youngo’s skatepark company, built it.

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She was dead at that point.

Full (ish) story here - apologies for linking to my old employer’s site but there’s some interesting info/input from Toby Paterson


Nice one! (and @buildafire)

I’m not against the newer version - and it is deffo WAY more skateable. I just love the covert stuff…

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The front of the transport is a great spot. Some parts of the ledge are a bit fucked now with the metal being out of place but it still goes. One good thing about lockdown is you don’t need to wait until it’s after 5pm to skate it.


Had this on in the background this morning while working. I don’t really know why.
He seems like a really nice guy. Which is cool.

Good bloke but a massive bootlicker also

Oh, I bet.

This is great.


Usually, I’m really not into YouTube personalities but holy shit…

“Dance music? For a genre to have the audacity to name itself after what it expects you to do.”



if this was in real life there’d be a punch up

Haha Last of the Summer Thick of It

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You have NO authority here, Jackie Weaver!


Haha! 10 minutes in and they’re still squabbling.
So many amazing quotables…

“You have no authority here Jackie Weaver”

“She’s kicked him out!”

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I have to work with these people. It’s so much fun.

Given that atrocious graphic design in the poster frame, I was thinking it was a new meta comedy sketch, similar to Black Mirror or The Thick of It. Nope, apparently not.

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Watched the full 18 minutes. So so good.



The AGM of my apartment block will be on soon, I’m wary of it descending into this.