Continually Updated YouTube Thread

oooh the morbid curiosity is pulling but not sure I can handle the cringe.

That’s not Doin’ It.

Get it watched. Get a lesson in what Doin’ It is.


Lyrical genius

Fucking hell

Now I wanna go see black flag and chuck a sandwich at him.


Something about his cadence had me thinking of Mr T singing about Mum


Oh fuck! that is probably the worst thing I have heard. The timing is all over the shop and not in a good punk way.
Wonder how much pull there is being in a band with a celebrity opposed to how shit it is. The band are certainly hiding themselves rather than standing proud to be there.
Some mates are in a band with a celeb and I helped them out with some gigs doing keys and tech stuff. Was kinda fun but they asked me to join and I had to decline. The music wasn’t terrible but I have zero enthusiam for it so I couldn’t do it. Being in a band with a known figure didn’t mean anything and turning down a glastonbury gig wasn’t hard but many people were like “what are you doing??”
I’m sure these dudes were probably warned not to do this gig with MikeV though. It’s less credible than Right said fred musically I reckon.

Where is Big Brother mag with his Lone Wolf poetry/music reviews when you need it?

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Spectacular. If someone just played me this and said it was from the local news, a heartwarming story about some nursing home residents who’d formed a rock band to raise money for children in need I would both believe them and also judge it to be a piss poor effort.


You got to shoot for the moon and bring a broom.


Wasn’t it @deadhippie who criticised his poetry in Skateboarder?
It was it Pat Canale in BB?

There was a story about him punching whoever it was and getting banned from whichever mag as a result. Can’t see Big Brother banning anyone

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If only he’d taken one along to Radlands. He could have helped with the tidying up.


For some reason I seem to remember Carnie going on about getting bored of his Lone Wolf BS after being at a poetry reading but it could have been Skateboarder? I was reading everything back then so might be confusing mags and writers.

yeah, that’s it, but it’s somehow way worse.
How did he ever get a gig with anyone with flow like that?
Listened again and what’s with the editing? fair enough editing the video but why does the audio glitch at the same time?

Just a guess but this might be what he was going for

I think it was Mike O’Meally?


Yeah o’meally got choked out at one of his readings because he wasn’t taking it seriously. Skateboarder said he was banned and he got all his sponsors to threaten pulling ads.
Something like that anyhoo.


It was at Tampa Pro. He talks about it in his chromeball

That’s right - it was! Skateboarder then?

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Remember when his whole brand was skateboarding and letting that do the talking…

Now he’s a shit singer that’s releasing a comic book and basically rehashing his time in the 80s once again with no sign that he’s doing all that much skating now.

He’s worse than fucking Hosoi.

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decided it’s a joke and he’s trolling us. It has to be, even with his track record of being off the pulse, this is too far to be serious.

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