Continually Updated YouTube Thread

Subtitles needed but this is a pretty cool explanation of how skateboarding and physics, notably balance, work together.

This is so good. Picked it up on tape on release day.

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New Eldridge golf with food episode went live yesterday. I need to get my mind right before I hit play…

After my super harsh review I thought it only fair to watch the next one. It’s better than the first one but it’s still 18mins of people talking about not much. He obviously feels more comfortable with Malto so it’s more relaxed. The whole including golf thing just doesn’t add anything to whatever it is (at the moment anyway).

Every time I see or hear this guys name I think of the ‘get hungry on it’ story

Now that’s a good title for a golf/food YouTube show!

Finished watching Episode 2. It’s like you’re parachuted into their golfing round mid conversation and the “host” of the show has verbal diarrhoea talking absolute bollocks. No idea what the purpose of the show is.

The whole ‘’haha’ moment about shanking the ball conversation (if you can call it that)? Jesus!

lol teleported into the middle of a round of golf then it’s a load of soundbites. You don’t know what hole they’re on or who’s winning.

That Eldridge thing sounds utter shit

Ignore Eldy, delete Eldy, fuck Eldy.

He needs to fade into obscurity. Bun him.


Well, that was a waste of time.

I’ve watched every video on this guys channel in one sitting


Random vid:


Watched this just before I’m about to go get my click and collect.

Amazon has been the biggest ecom site since the dawn of time. Pretty amazing really.

This kind of clickbait wording on YouTube videos is so nauseating. Like how some music artist has had the most streams in the entire history of the WORLD, when the thing they’re being judged on has only been around for twenty years.

If Andy Evans made surf videos…

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