
True dat, guy in the pubs uncle knew someone who had the vaccine and still got a cold, they think we are mugs

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Got talking to one of the other parents at my son’s football who declared that because she used to be a lawyer, her knowledge of facts and science means that she knows better than epidemiologists and medical science in general and so her and the family won’t be getting the vaccine. Daft bint proudly dragged her kid out of training the other week to go to Mass, so it’s absolutely not about facts and science.


March, 2020: “A year until the vaccine?! That’s ridiculous!”

Now: “It’s too soon”


I feel very sorry for her kid

Might steal this for a facebook post and see if anyone comes crawling out to argue


More like an I ‘don’t care’ home.


Argh this pisses me off so much.

Dont get annoyed at this vaccine being too quick, be annoyed that there are systems, lobbies, committees and hurdles that STOP other vaccines being this quick too.

This is the speed a vaccine can go through if everyone with a PhD and a microscope gets the funding they need instead of it going to decorate a randy scarecrows shag pad or build a nuclear submarine.

If it takes 30 minutes to get a burger from McDonalds every time you go then suddenly one miraculous day one turns up after 5 minutes because everyone has pulled their finger out you wouldnt question the quick one would you?

Maybe you would, I dont know, I hate people at the moment because theyre almost exclusively stupid stupid arseholes


On a plus note the battle I have been having with the vaccine abstaining family member is over. I finally got them to sit down and have a calm and rational discussion about what their issues with having the vaccination were. I managed to address every one of them without eye rolling or blowing my top. I gave it a weekend to let it sink in and called them to see what was up and they had reluctantly changed their mind. They got on to the NHS line the same day and are now booked in for a jab in a week’s time. I am going to pick them up and drive them there and make sure they get through those doors. I can’t do any more than that. Definitely feels like a victory for sane thinking.


Nice, now that youre warmed up Ive got a couple of numbers for you to call, let me know how you get on



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My personal experience is that the same people who were first in line to refuse to go into work and were the first to be wearing masks and demanding that you give them their 2 metres space in the supermarket/school pickup zone when this kicked off, are also the first to be wearing mask exemption lanyards and refusing the vaccine. I can’t explain it but I have two opposing theories:

  1. They are thought leaders and somehow have knowledge of the true nature of reality before I do.
  2. They have no thought process going on at all and are being led entirely by the latest trending themes on social media.

It’s just so weird because it’s the same people with two completely opposing behaviours. It just seems like what people think is totally malleable these days and it’s easy to lose your grasp on reality.


It’s this new way of (not) thinking where people have to go all out, in one direction; people backing something 100% and thinking the other thing is evil. I think it comes from social media, where you get more reactions (good or bad, doesn’t matter, endorphins are endorphins) with a bold, sweeping comment. It’s easy to sound confident if you’re being succinct, just as long as nobody asks you to explain.

Remember when people used to like bits of this and parts of that, or agree with certain points and not others? Those days seem to be gone. Gotta go all out.

It’s apparent here with the independence movement too. Just because you don’t like the current Conservative government in Westminster it doesn’t mean we should be completely disassociated from it, but if you start looking at the actual arguments and working things out it gets SO boring and fuck that anyway and fuck the English, right?!

Everybody wants to be a celebrity and making bold statements seems to be the currently accepted route to that now.


Yeah I agree there seems to be more social value in going in hard and backing something 110% (sic) than in being reasonable and taking a compromise position.

But what’s extra weird is that a lot of people don’t even believe in or understand what they’re backing.

I think it’s more that these people have got an outlet for their stupidity, they’ve got a soapbox from where the whole world can hear them.

In the past they’d be sitting by themselves in the corner of a pub or spraying their message underneath an overpass in the middle of the night, but now they can integrate into the ‘real-life’ digital community of Facebook, where their posts appear the same as a normal sensible person.



I know a handful of real life people who seem to have done a COVID switcheroo. They went from ‘I’m asthmatic I have to wear a mask COVID will kill me stay away’ to ‘I’m asthmatic I can’t wear a mask respect my lanyard the vaccine is bullshit’.

I can’t pretend to understand where they’re getting their information but I’m assuming Facebook as you say.

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Shower of gobshites.
If they really were that badly asthmatic, they’d be shitting themselves over Covid and most other respiratory diseases.

He’s a glory hunter, never passes. . Shocking state of affairs altogether.


Ok, in that case I take it back

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It’s crazy how the BBC has gone from the most trusted news outlet in the country to people chasing it’s reporters down the street baying for blood.

The BBC didn’t help themselves with the handling of Savile, Diana and Bashir, ect in recent years.