
Feeling fine after second jab so far. Maybe some mild tiredness.


Dead arm after the first pfizer jab.

Literally nothing after the second.


Got my second on Monday. Got brought forward about 3/4ish weeks. Had the AZ on my first, only for it to be announced that day under 40’s wouldn’t have it anymore. I’d presume I’ll still have a second dose of it and pray that my microchip doesn’t glitch too hard.


the only noticeable thing i’ve had since 2nd jab on saturday lunchtime is a dead leg?

definitely not hit it myself & that’s the only thing i can thing of that may have caused it… started hurting sunday afternoon and was a bit of an annoyance whilst going for a skate last night.

and yeah brewer i’ve had AZ for both, just smash the 6 hour paracetamol routine after should be reyt (probably even treat yourself to an extra pint of guinness after and all)

Im definitely doing the paracetamol routine, i didnt for the first jab and felt like dogshit

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I’m 100% ok now after second Pfizer jab on Sunday.

So that’s very minor arm ache after the first, and weird 3am chest pressure thing and minor tiredness (probably from waking up at 3am) after the second.

Nothing to worry about guys! Get em in ya!


Freedom Day onwards could be interesting.

But the new guy said it would be going ahead.



had my second vaccine 4 weeks ago. Tested positive for covid on Sunday and been glued to the sofa totally wiped out from it the last few days so far. Definitely got through the vaccine for me, although I can’t imagine how bad it might’ve been if I hadn’t been jabbed.


In the queue for no.2!!

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2nd AZ for me this evening.


Second AZ Friday and then moving my son out to his new place straight after.
gutted if any adverse reactions.

Does your boy live with you? Or is he moving out for first time?

Done, arm a little achey, that’s all.

Fredom at last!

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Was at uni halls, came back for Xmas, fell out with his mum, stayed with me, couldn’t go back to halls (covid) been with me for the last 6 months.
He’s getting a place with his mates so should be interesting.

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I’m 5 months in to not being fully recovered from Covid now. I’m about 70% better but this thing is taking a long time to clear! Long Covid really is a shitter :innocent:

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My sense of taste/smell is permanently fucked. Still only around 60% of what it was and some smells and tastes have also been warped. A lot of time I can sense an underlying smell of what I can only describe as stale yeast. It’s fucking nauseating, and has ruined the smell of fresh coffee, amongst other things.

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my wife’s cousin lost sense of smell/taste really bad. he got it back by “training” it. he had a bunch of scents of things he knew (like orange etc.) and gave them all a sniff each morning and evening. he works for the NHS and a specialist suggested it

It’s weird, if I stick my nose right into a bag of ground coffee, it smells like coffee. Likewise with other things, so identifying smells is not a problem. There’s just this awful sub-odour for some smells that taints them.

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Guy I worked with fell down the stairs at a party one time and knocked out his sense of smell. Or the bit of brain that processes it or whatever. It was cool that I could fart around him, but he had to get a gas alarm for his flat because if there was a leak he wouldn’t know.