
Weird, those people are normally so smart.


Same reason as some high profile athletes not taking it? Guess they feel as though they are part of that elite club.

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They be woke the Vaccine will knock back 2 weeks of gainz

Is Boris giving a TV address tomorrow or his he just putting his covid winter plans forward in parliament? Should be interesting either way.

Edit: The PM is expected to hold a Downing Street press conference.

One of my mate’s exes is like this. She’s “clean eating” and all bodyweight exercises and stuff like that. Basically she keeps trumpeting that her natural body’s immune system should be strong enough that she doesn’t need all these artificial chemicals in her body, because she looks after herself well enough already. It’s all mental gymnastics as far as I’m concerned to cover up the fact that people either can’t be arsed or are just defiant for defiance’s sake, like an overtired toddler.


I think they’re just nazi’s to be honest.

FYI r/HermanCainAward Is the LeopardsAteMyFace of covid. I’ve read so many posts on there, it’s pretty sad. But also, fuck all these selfish morons, we’re better without them.


Yep, well, they’re wrong.

I recall pro footballer Charlie Austyn getting it early into the pandemic and he was genuinely surprised at how badly it fucked him over, given how fit he’d be as a Premiership player.


I remember early on posting that I give a lot of people a pass because some people can’t actually comprehend something this big and scary happening, and denying it is just their way of coping. But we’re 2 years in and thousands have died and all the deniers are just weak links who are too lazy to make even the smallest compromise for the greater good, and the human race is better off without them. It’s just sad that they inevitably take good people with them.


Come to think of it, I had a chat this evening at the skatepark with a lad in his early 20s who won’t get a vaccine as his mum is a mad anti vaxxer, as he said himself, and he wants to do something right by her after all the hell he put her through as a kid apparently. He went on to say that he’d spent the summer in Scotland’s Western Isles, learning Scots Gaelic, (which was pretty easy for him as he’s fluent in Irish), and now that he’s back, he can’t get over the ongoing restrictions here, with nightclubs still shut, yet Scotland still has 11/20 of Europe’s worst infection rates. Still, he wants to go back to uni here to study, yet can’t do it person because the rest of the class of 6 want to remain remote and he can’t fathom how not having a vaccine is now “interfering with my education”.

True, it’s a choice to get one, albeit loaded with a social contract to not be a plague vector, but actively denying proven scientific research and fact with Youtube videos is not a personal choice, it’s fucking delusional.


Loads of people in martial arts are doing this “Im fit, herd immunity, its only fat people dying” etc. Totally backward


This will only get worse with Joe Rogan catching it, being apparently dosed with Ivermectin or whatever it’s called, and getting better. The Vitamin D, exercise and time in the sauna/ice bath bro science will be unbearable for years to come


Ivermectin hits hard bro.

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Where does his chin end? Haha

it’s a bit of a bummer but it’s interesting to see natural selection at play via social media. Also, the similarities are so great across all the people featured there. Almost all meme-recyclers and they just parrot the same old shit. It’s hardly individual thought going on there at all.

Also, it’s telling that so few people are talking about vaccines in the ‘i lost my brother in law today’ posts. They’re all just ‘he was a kind man who would help anyone’. And actually it’s pretty obvious that they wouldn’t even help themselves off the fucking couch 99% of the time.


Some good news…

the Denver Post reported that Enyart was a practiced and brutal provocateur who once used a show on cable television to mock by name people who died of Aids.

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What a lovely guy.

Ah yes, the cousin’s friend! You won’t know him.


Headline should read, ‘ Nicki Minaj talks bollocks’.


Corrected that for you.