
Also if some unseen power really is pulling the strings and tricking the world via the medium of a fake global pandemic, why would they hide the truth within an easy to solve anagram?

Maybe try harder to hide your master plan Soros

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And grand yawn within, withdrawn any gin, draw anything win and, quite appropriately, rad wanting whiny.

Maybe he pulled a Robert Johnson… devil appears, ‘so then Danny you said you’d give anything to be able to have the world’s highest ollie…all I want is your ability to reason/ critical thinking skills and I’ll sort it out. No one will ever know’.

Cool, off to the Reese Forbes Challenge.

Years later: Enter Instagram…oh, bollocks.


The minute you’re delving into Peterson, Murray and Sowell you’re on your way down a pretty bad path.

This is the argument I have with some of the people I know who are fence sitters, what the fuck can any member of the public do? Absolutely sweet FA .
Seems more exciting to be into the conspiracy than the actual shit show the Tory government have been for the last 10 years + fucking them over for real.


Have always had utmost respect for Danny until the last couple years. I mean seriously do you think the world leaders had a zoom chat together and one of them pipes up and says 'get this lads, we’ll make the new made up strain an anagram of something really self descriptive"

No you bell they didn’t


I stopped following him a while back. Incredible skater, I love Playing Fields but Im not asking Chris Whitty for tips on ollieing over bins so don’t see why I’d need Wainwright’s opinion on viruses.

Stay in your lane.


It’s a worry to be honest. I’m buying him Keir Starmers biography instead.

You just described their hobbies. Nail on head.


Pfizer sesh tomorrow night :slightly_smiling_face:


Can you apply for a booster if your younger than 40?

I was looking too, they’re bringing it down but the NHS site still says 40 and up, and 6 months after second dose. I think they were talking about halving that to 3 months soon

Mine says 152 days after the first which means I could get mine on the 20th. Think it depends on region though


Imagine being on the same side of history as Gillian Mckeith. Fucks sake.

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This looks messy. Vans pushing for employees to be vaccinated, Josh Harmony and Johnny Layton making a stand:

Lizzie Armanto and people backing them in the comments.

Fuck em if they don’t wanna get vaxxed imo. They don’t have to work for vans, jog on and get a job somewhere else if it’s that important to them.
They always moan about their own personal freedoms and choice until someone else wants to exercise their choice.
TBF you could have seen it a mile away that they were probably idiots.


I think the Biden government are trying to introduce compulsory vaccines for people who work at a company with 100+ employees.

I completely agree with you, though. Americans have been fed too many myths about their ‘freedom’ and rights. It’s like Britain and ‘sovereignty’.


Yeah I did see that reported, seems to have been stalled by the courts though.

That said even if it does goes through (Which I imagine it will) they could theoretically still get a job at a small business etc if they were that bothered.

These covid conspiracy people always say that if we take the ‘mandated’ vaccine we will all lose our rights.

Seems they’ve all forgotten that the world was given a ‘mandated’ vaccine from the 1950s onwards which eradicated smallpox.

It’s just not a legitimate concern but they try to make it sound logical and it’s quite annoying.


Ed needs to have a word with his former riders


Bet they were both gutted that the last Toy Machine video was called vaccine.

Someone posted on slap ‘Polish those resumes, Van’s about to have some new job openings :-)’


The thing with these losers is they’re always “not against the vaccine”, but just want to behave like children and not get it just because someone’s telling them to. Can’t tell if it’s a convenient excuse and they never wanted to get it or they really are just fucking toddlers throwing a tantrum