
Makes sense, didn’t think about that aspect.

It’s such a shitshow of a country

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But the massive plates of food.


Working in the states at the moment, the food is weird, even the fruits and vegetables taste artificial.

NYC had good eating and the Mexican places are good but something off about a lot of it.

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Their GM crop usage and labelling is all fucked according to a book I read. If it’s true. Maybe it’s that. Or 5G. I can’t keep up any more.

Just got boosted, waiting to leave now. Bonus flu jab too! Result.


Took me a couple of days over there to adjust to the fact that I didn’t need to put salt on anything because it was already blasted to within an inch of its life with it. Don’t get me wrong, we ate at some really good places - Clint Eastwood’s ranch in Carmel, CA is hands down one of the best meals I’ve ever eaten, finished off with a scotch and piano karaoke, just a cracking experience. But the whole country’s tastebuds (amongst other things) seem completely devoid of any ability to appreciate and in turn provide any subtlety.


Can we auto correct Brian Cant to Brian Sumner?


Motion passed @Spanky

American cheese is fucking woeful. They have no idea what they are doing. Is it possible to buy a decent cheddar anywhere?


I’ve always loved American food, I even love grits.

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Wallpaper paste. And I went into it trying to like them.

I had jalapeño grits at a high end steakhouse in NYC and it was amazing.

Doubt I’d like the regular grits.

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Looks like green wallpaper paste though

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I had them in North Carolina where they’re somewhat of a staple with king prawns (or shrimp) and they were lovely.

We went to one of the best restaurants in Vegas and got a cheese board for dessert. It had fucking Monterrey Jack on it. I was greatly displeased

Not sure what I expected from the country that invented spray can cheese tbf


American chocolate tastes like cheese. American cheese tastes like nothing. Does American nothing taste like chocolate?

Not sure what thread people were talking about their Spotify wrap up but posting here.


Hastily edited to keep our SEO privileges.


Several cases of that new strain confirmed here in Lancaster yesterday. Today there appears to have been new testing centres pop up on every corner and leaflet drops about getting tested dropping through letter boxes