
The number of poor sods who died of other, treatable diseases due to being pushed out of hospitals that were full of unvaccinated conspiracy Brians seriously ill with the pretend Covid virus would be a worthwhile number to discuss.


The extra deaths (Hugo’s link in your link) can be explained away by this, yeah?

They are two separate pages and different data sets so I’m not sure what you mean but there are several reasons for excess mortality in 2020.

Did you link both of them? Or just your agenda?

Come again?

No, it’s covid.

The actions of hospitals, government, people not isolating are irrelevant. It’s because of covid.

Our country has higher excess deaths because of how we dealt with it but it’s still because of covid.

You chose which bits of your link you wanted to highlight and not others, can’t make it any clearer than that.

Déjà vu

The stats that Hugo took a screenshot of weren’t in the link I posted. That’s why I’m saying that they are two separate pages.

It’s all the same source of info!?

Head - brick - wall


I looked for the stats in context.

Soton found stats that are out of context.

Both stats were from the ONS.

This is how people are misled.

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Soton is trying to say that deaths are really low from people who ONLY had covid on their death certificate which fits his assumed narrative that covid ain’t that bad or whatever his narrative is.

I showed a statistic which shows 66,000 more deaths than a ‘normal’ year. 12% more.


Yep. Add in secondary too and it’s sky high. Why I said one infection can fuck over the other but they won’t listen too it. A lot of cancer patients don’t die of cancer but picking up a secondary infection, so cancer doesn’t exist?


Wainwright must have been in Hackney


1984 - its like 1984 - how many people say that and have never read the book!!

Ive never read it btw and dont plan too.

Is everyone still wearing masks once the rules are relaxed?

I’ve read it. It’s been a while though. I generally think Franz Kafka was more on the money than George Orwell though. Everything was too well organised and controlled in Orwell’s world whereas Kafka understood that essentially everything is a big pointless and confusing mess.

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It’s a great book (and only short :slightly_smiling_face:).

On the shelf but not read.
Shall I bother?

I’ve read it multiple times. The crafty thing about it is that it’s a story that seems to be about one thing but has like a deeper meaning about other things. V. Clever.

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