
If you like that he wrote another good one about farming too


Review: Both books are better than Andy Mcnab, but not as good as a Viz annual.


I’ve never read a mcnab book, I should give one a try

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I wouldn’t bother, they’ve got loads more pages than 1984.

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More pictures though

NHS workers and anti-Covid vaccine protesters demonstrate against mandatory jabs for health workers | ITV News

Why you keep dropping turds with no info. That’s cool, I’m sure not all healthcare workers are protesting.

@sotonjon here is an interesting report from the CDC that was published on Wednesday:

Immunity from a previous infection provided slightly more immunity than vaccination for the Delta variant. This is a change to the trend we’ve seen for previous variants. Obviously still too early to tell what effects Omicron has though.

Regardless, the CDC are still recommending vaccination as the safest strategy because the risks of being unvaccinated and contracting Covid were so great. Hospitalisations and deaths were far greater for unvaccinated people, as expected.

The thing is Jon got vaccinated, so to spread anti-vaccine info to others seems like a proper Brian thing to do!


We should have a rule, like the minimum character count one, that you can’t post links without a comment.

At least that way it would make prompts for discussion easier. Not having a go at you Soto, it’s just it’s easy to post links with no context


That would hit the insta, interviews and footage threads hard though, just for a few infrequent ones here. Jon has been asked to join in with reasons why they are posting the links. Most links here seem obvious without explanation, theirs not so much.


Having just recovered from Covid this week, here’s my considered opinion. I had 3 jabs. I got what felt like the mildest cold imaginable, but tested strongly positive on lateral flow tests for a week. With vaccination it’s not a problem. You’d be mad not to.

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Exactly the same here. I’m jabbed to the max and have just about completely recovered (my test this morning had the very faintest of lines).
We were going to visit an elderly relative so my wife got the whole family to take a test first. I was the only one with a positive result and I honestly wouldn’t have suspected that I had covid without the test.
I pretty much just felt like I would after a bad night’s sleep. A little groggy but nothing to worry about. The grogginess only lasted a day too. I was back to normal the next day.
Quite nice having the fam running around after me for a bit but I’m bored as fuck. Xbox and forums can only be fun for so long (although I have started trying to play the piano again :star_struck:).

Vaccinations are brill!


Thanks. This is interesting in that currently we mandate vaccinations for NHS workers even for people who have immunity from previous infection. How is immunity from a vaccine more effective than that from immunity acquired from previous infection? Why is this not discussed?

Roughly 100,000 workers will lose their job in April, many of whom have antibodies from a previous covid infection. Why are we not testing for immunity instead of ensuring everyone has been vaccinated? The argument for compulsory vaccination becomes even less effective when you consider that many hospitalised patients with Covid are vaccinated.

Everyone should be free to choose. We should all be able to refuse a treatment if we do not feel that it’s in our interest.

Some of the notable people who are opposing the mandate worked through the pandemic caring for patients with coronavirus. They have previously caught the virus and have protection from antibodies. As the pandemic is waning many people seem to have no problem with firing these people. It’s immoral to treat them like this. That’s how I see it.

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No. I disagree


There is no immunity from a previous infection, yes you are at less risk once you have caught covid but under no circumstances do you become immune, particularly over different strains of the virus.
Infact the Omicron strain only reduces your risk of succumbing to it again by 20%. Far from immunity!

These people absolutely have the choice over whether to have the vaccine or not. They just won’t be able to carry on with their current employment.
I don’t work in the NHS but two of my family members do and four close friends. Admittedly a small pool, but they all agree that vaccination is the correct route, they were vaccinated as soon as possible and the anti-vax supporters within the NHS are predominantly staff members who are either sick of their whole employment situation anyway or just plain nut jobs.


With the caveat that it’s apparently less so for the Omicron variant, there was plenty of evidence to suggest that vaccines also help to reduce the transmission of Covid. Meaning that a benefit of the vaccine is not only helping to keep yourself safe but also helping to keep other people safe. An aspect that is frequently forgotten by anti-vax proponents.


Antibodies from previous infection should provide immunity in the same way as a vaccination which mimicks this process.

@Dent_Face 's link from the CDC suggested that immunity from previous infection provided slightly more protection to the Delta variant than that provided by vaccines. Bear in mind that Omicron is considerably less infectious than Delta.

The people in your immediate circle might feel like this but don’t you think it’s dismissive to suggest that anyone who is vaccine-hesistant is looking to leave or is a ‘nut job’. Some are experienced Doctors, paramedics, nurses, midwives etc. They don’t feel that the evidence is sufficient for them to take the vaccine.

So how about other stuff they don’t agree with? Or are they quite happy giving treatments to patients that are according to Facebook/just what they reckon potentially harmful or unnecessary? Honestly if you work for the NHS but can’t go along with the consensus position then just fuck off and go get a job selling healing crystals or something.


The fact that you said “should” means that you’re making your own narrative, this is your own opinion, not fact. That’s fine, your opinion is your own but it’s not fact and you are not qualified to make your judgment seem like your talking facts.
Not all NHS workers are qualified to give their opinion as fact either.