
It might make sense to keep schools closed for first two weeks of this thing, so that every household waits out symptoms/cases and then send kids back to school whilst the rest of household the stays isolated so the kids can mix at school without taking the virus in from home

Whilst I get that, it’s the furlough scheme and economic stuff for this month long lockdown is going to be fucked already. If the schools are closed it’s going to be ten times worse

Totally understand. It depends what the objective is. If they’re trying to avoid mountains of corpses in hospital car parks then it doesn’t make sense to keep kids in school mixing every day and taking virus home to households but if it’s about not tanking the economy then yeah keep them open. I’ve got a five year old and we’re all desperate for her to go back in. But it’s not possible to have it both ways.

There is no way this is only for a month. So just keep kids off two more weeks then let them back

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If schools have to close then theyve fucked this completely. Half term would’ve been perfect for the full lockdown, like every other country in the union has done, like Keir said

So this teacher dickhead on the BBC just now “we looked at the ons data and it shows kids spread the virus, close all schools”

The reporter “so the ons data shows primary age school children don’t spread it much at all, why should those schools close too”

Teacher dick head flounders hard

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Yep, it’s 2 weeks too late

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Steve Baker can fuck off. Absolute cunt.


I read this like a poem


Went to shop
Toilet paper gone
Shithead cunts

Edit - for clarity, that was my lockdown haiku, I have not been shopping


What the fuck is it with toilet paper?!

People like a clean arse. I get it.


we use reusable wipes for the kids nappies, they are so much better at wiping then loo roo especially if you want a clean hoop

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Ah man, not for my poo’s.

EDIT: No change for childcare phew.

I meant like, Ireland and Wales n shit

Boris is longing this out now.

He’ll be ready once the England six nations game is finished

Stuck in a fridge again?

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Here he comes. Fucking wasted nearly 2 hours of my life waiting for this.

Brown bad, a lot of brown on that map.

Many graphs up.

“This is the one thing we didn’t want to happen.”

Reeks of Brasseye. Glad they are explaining this so that even the biggest idiot can understand. Above redline bad.


Fuck me 6 week predictions are looking great…

Boris doesn’t look very well.

You think? I was just saying that his new weight loss makes him look younger