Custom board decks

The gaps in his eyes and truck holes in his teeth are ace!

Guess that shows how interested I am, couldn’t even be arsed looking :wink:

perfect placement.

Not it’s genius, need to see more of these :joy:

and some of the worst.

Only once the team had left and they stopped putting out videos, so unless you’re 12 at the time, completely irrelevant.

every singe chad fernandez board ever…personally thought world industries were tacky from the get go - not that it dented their sales

Tacky from the beginning?!? You’re off your head.

But then if your reference is Chad Fernandez I suspect you’re probably quite young and missed the important stuff.

note to self - never bad mouth World Industries on the UKSkateForum

they were shit

Man they kept the kids rolling through the doors of the old skate shop with mum and dad’s cash , blind and world nailed it for sales but at toy shop graphics levels.
The only other people we sold them to were goth/emo teenagers .

My current wallet :grimacing:

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very true. I actually had a couple of Creagers. Just seemed that in the end those flameboys were everywhere.

ha - nice :grinning:

Alright then, which was worse out of Trilogy and 20 Shot?

Reapers, flame boys , wet willies and what ever else they could market at 10 year olds

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i was only talking about the graphics. Thats all. Not looking for a skate trivia/opinion row.

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That whole row is a 10 year olds dream

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OK mate.

yes the graphics - not the people that skated for them. Clearly they were anything but shit!