Documentary thread

Really keen to see both

Yeah, it’s bloody amazing. Can’t recommend it enough.

I want to see Free Solo now. Spanky, Dawn Wall is on Netflix now.

Thought it’d be some totally ripped American sportsmen guzzling energy drinks and doing weird diets but it’s not at all, they’re like regular people, swinging from their fingertips thousands of feet up in a t-shirt and regular trousers. I think one of them is on adidas and one looks like he’s on Patagonia but it was hard to tell. Which was great. I thought this sort of thing was always ‘fancy’, with helmets and shit. One of them even threw his phone off the cliff during the last part because he was sick of the all the news channels trying to get in touch all the time.


Been told to watch ‘What The Health’ on Netflix, although i’m sure it’s going to be a very one sided take to push veganism. Anyone seen it?

Alan covered that last night, let’s move on.

Hope to catch it at the cinema if the PCC is still playing it

Free Solo is incredible but it is almost too much to comprehend if that makes sense. You’re so used to seeing people doing gnarly climbs with ropes and your brain is almost conditioned to be like ‘oh that climb is fucked up but he’s got a rope, he’ll be fine’. For someone to do what he is doing without it almost makes no sense and I don’t really think that the ridiculousness of what he is doing can every truly be represented. It is a good film and def worth a watch but yeah I can’t properly process it.

Maybe that is just me though

Yeah. Said that about Dawn Wall.

Don’t need to watch Free Solo, it was on Gogglebox

What blows me away is that you get to a point on the wall, when you got no ropes, and you can only climb. That’s your only option. That or falling to your death. No helicopter rescue, no climbing down, you just got to keep going otherwise you will literally fall to your death. The control that these people have over fear is just so gnarly.

Yeah I think that is partly what makes it so hard to process, how completely calm and collected they are (obviously they have to be) but it definitely stops it translating as well in footage

@spanky Part of what they present in Free Solo is a little segment focusing on an MRI scan of the subject’s brain. They determine that it just doesn’t really respond to fear the way most other brains do.

Doesn’t confidence overcome fear?

He definitely comes across as being somewhere on the spectrum, which would I imagine probably works in his favour


I thought people on the spectrum are more commonly known to have freak outs than be calm.

*Non PC?

They can be - but at the same time autism and aspergers sufferers can also become completely obsessed by certain tasks and hobbies, and in some cases employ “hyperfocus”.

Skateboarders most likely on the spectrum? Other than Mullen?


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Know a skater with aspergers and if the session lets too loud he has to leave, or if he can’t get a trick, he has to leave (not in a bad way, he just knows he has to go and be somewhere less stressful to him). My nephew (19) has Aspergers and is so chilled you’d think he smoked weed (or that stereotype of a weed smoker, he doesn’t).
Have friends that have non talking children with autism (is that right?). So yeah there are many forms, I think we might all be on the spectrum to a tiny or bigger degree.

Isn’t this why is called a spectrum in the first place? Because it’s effects differ from person to person

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