Documentary thread

ABP at some point, right? Anyways, watched this on Saturday night as I missed a gig I wanted to go to and was ill as fook. Fairplay, this was pretty well put together in my opinion.

Just a warning for anyone watching it with missus or weans around, it has a few bits of absolute carnage with crackheads (heads being kicked on floor and general fight malarkey, bumholes and fannies hanging out, peeing, pooping, needles in arms and all that shit). I enjoyed how much they went into the history of not only the spot, but around the surrounding area. Lots of interviews with different people that aren’t skaters, too.

I got to skate it last year and the ledges are high and pretty rough these days. It was pretty quiet and fairly early in the morning, so no chaos to be had (pretty sure it’s calmed down in recent years AND with it being made skate-friendly, too). However had two bag 'eds come out of the blue as I got the camera out to film and both tried to speak to me in French, which I know fuck all haha.

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Ah yeah, I posted this one before. Definitely worth a repost though - it’s fantastic

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@MaxFacePalmer -You’ll find a podcast episode and an Iain Borden and Patrick Sean Quinn interview that covers this spot in the Concrete Reality thread. (The interview covers Rom, Livi, The Turf and a load of others too).

Thanks @Scurbrampwoody I have not looked there yet

The excellent documentary on the great Tish Murtha (photographer of 1980s/90s working class life in north england) now up on Iplayer


That graphic is about as appealing as Pat Duffy’s political views.


Telling you that Torey Pudwill is sort of the host isn’t going to make it sound any more watchable is it?

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Met a guy on Saturday who was involved with the book that goes along with this, a documentary about Soviet-era skateboarding in Czechoslovakia.


Watched this last night - the interesting aspect is definitely the amount of archival footage from the 70s / 80s, pretty unique for the majority of activities in Czechoslovakia at that time I would think?

The skating is a mix of slalom, freestyle & high jump mainly with a bit of ramp & street - features some footage from Euro Skate 1988 too.

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I’ve been watching this 80s Yorkshire TV ‘travel show’ of late. Pretty funny.

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Just watching this… perfick lazy Sunday morning viewing.

The Retired Mayor of Balboa Park bit is nuts - smacks into the back of and flips over a Prius that pulls out in front of him (then, later, bum-boards down the hill for redemption).

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That Sk8face doc that’s been kicking about for a while was released at the weekend. In related news, Tubi - although unfortunately it’s a Rupert Murdoch thing - was released in the UK today, Sk8face is on that.

Not looked for anything else on it so it might get deleted right after I watch this

Mainly for French speakers but some stuff is in English otherwise hit those auto translate sub titles

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I’ve got nothing to show yet, and this could sit in the stoked/pointless topic thread too.

I’ve started production on a documentary about Jamie Clapp, my friend who died when I was 17.

You can take a deep dive on the internet and research his story, but long story short, he died in a plane crash due to the pilot being under the influence of ecstasy. Following his death we managed to build Emersons Green Skatepark, which now has official memorial status as the Jamie Lee Clapp Memorial Park.

It’s taken me a long time to figure out how to tell this story and tell it right, but I think I can do it now.

It’ll be premiered at a film festival next year, and online shortly after that.


Fucking hell!

Sorry for your loss. Good luck with the project.

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Please keep us updated!

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