Documentary thread

Great video for scared fliers by Mentour Pilot

Thank you. I think 17 years on, this seems to be a way for me to fully come to terms with it and also grieve properly. I was so young when it happened that it took me a long time to understand the gravity of it all.
I recorded the intro the other week and as soon as I stopped rolling, I broke down. I haven’t cried like that for so long.


Whoa. Will definitely watch that

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Those who listen(ed) to grime will probably remember when they heard warp speed for the first time,

@Mark I ran a search on ‘Grime’ and a locked thread was listed. I would have posted this there but only you have the key.

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was locked because kayleigh/next was just spamming shite

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Triple banger for aviation geeks. I highly recommend his episode on flight MH370.

Anyone watched this? Might view later

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Looks good. I’d not seen or heard anything about it. Cheers for the heads up.

What is it with people still spelling skate, sk8? There’s a Lee Ralph documentary series in the pipeline at the moment - same deal there.

Edit : Just watched Sk8face and it was entertaining. One thing that struck me was that, even though it was released this year, judging from what people look like, the interviews were probably filmed 15-20 years ago.

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Yeah just watched it too, it kinda stops at the 2000s which is where I guess you could argue the progression in graphics eased off but would have been good to see it brought up to date

Liked the SHUT section

Onto this now, ‘Sunday chill viewing’ could be the genre description

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I watched that last weekend. It’s really good. Very Sunday chill as you said.

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There’s a spot like at that called Dolgoch near Tywyn in Wales that has a waterfall. You can get to it by taking this little steam train up into the mountains. The ground is really spongey due to the moss underfoot. Magical is the only way I can describe it. Like being in Lord of the Rings!

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Not far from where I took the kids last month, That was Rhinog Fawr, similar vibe. Beautiful.

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I’ve been to a lot of the places in the doc. My grandmother’s ashes were scattered in Wistman’s Wood, Dartmoor. These sites have an intangible, timeless, almost mystical atmosphere about them.

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That place is sick. Did a trip with wife there before we moved to Estonia. Looks nuts

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More about people than fauna but this, “a journey through the British Ritual Year of 2019, documenting twenty remarkable folk customs and the ritual landscape of Britain”, is kinda similar in theme…

Might be ABP

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Recommend this too:

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What these guys get up to on a daily basis just to make ends meet is cracked. If you’re finding your job dull and unchallenging or the corporate culture is getting stressful, it could be worse. You could be having to make your way down vertical cliff faces with no real climbing kit in order to go fishing all day, again with some rudimentary knocked together gear. Having to dodge big swells and crashing waves before then, at the end of the day, climbng back the way you came carrying whatever you’ve managed to catch, just so that you can come back to do it all again the following day. That is provided that you haven’t either plummeted to or been swept to your death. It’s a gnarly life but they seem to enjoy it.

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Here’s the trailer for my documentary about Jamie Clapp, my friend who died.

The premiere is March 2025, but will be online soon after.


Friends and family will be SO appreciative of this.