Epicly Later'd

I just wanted to say my comment regarding Nakel had absolutely no racial or age bias. I just read the slap comment and watch the clip and make my mind up that Nakel is a prick. I’m judging him on his actions. Maybe he’s grown up now (I’d hope so) but at that moment in time it seems he was acting like an idiot. I know you have a relationship with him and you’re right to defend him but please don’t try and infer that my comment or opinion had anything to do with his colour or age. If he were my son I’d say the same thing.

Look. It’s obvious you have temper issues, sort them the fuck out because you don’t bother me in the slightest, you have no gravitas with me. End it you fucking clown… I am starting to pity you and I don’t want to, I feel i’m better than that.
I know who I am and you know who you are, start dealing with yourself and taking care of your mind.

in this instance it really is. I’ll take responsibilty for any issues I cause as seperate issues thanks.

I’m ai mate you’re talking to a mirror, this is actually therapy for you seeing as you’re the most important player here. You are player 1/Truman, i’m here for you, to show you yourself.

I will actually stay on the forum this time, I won’t kneejerk and say i’m over it and leave because it always pulls you back, doesn’t it?

And for the record as you might see if you actually look at the words and not read what you want to see, I did not take ANY sides, I was defending other people with the right to judge. So i’m not right or wrong. You’re seeing things. ALWAYS, you read what you want in every post, you have pre concieved ideas you want to argue and you find excuses to do so.

I said my piece regarding race.

Honestly, you never know in real life.

Speaking from a grown man perspective, if I saw kids ripping off a handicapped man’s hoodie then stamping on it for the ‘gram, I think I’d more than likely step up and have a word.

As a kid, truthfully I’d not say anything to his face but I’d still think he was a prick and probably not try and get to know him.


Not that I really want to jump in the middle of your keyboard cuddle…

But this might be the most ridiculously sanctimonious couple of sentences that I’ve read in 25 or more years of internetting.


I agree, on the face of it it’s a ridiculous twatty thing to say but in context I feel this way about Barf at the moment. You can feel the same way about me, all good, I don’t mind.
I fully expect everyone to be opn the side of Barf if people enjoy the popcorn, that’s fine. I don’t need back up. “pile on” i’m comfy.

Just playing devils advocate but Slap fucking hates Nakel anyway so I would take that with a pinch of salt - but of all the shops to hate on Lotties is a weird one. But people grow and learn.

Also don’t see people still smashing Jake Snelling now for the Swazi on his grip when he was on Witchcraft. Everyone loves him now because of Blokes.

Don’t be so certain. Blokes has comedic value. Repping nazi symbols does not.

Yer I know that.

But I mean since then he’s been in Palace adverts etc, so I don’t think many people remember / give a fuck about that. I don’t know Jake personally.

The public forget misgivings when someone gets backed by something they like but people learn from their mistakes and people let them move on, that’s great if there is obvious positive moves that warrant forgiveness. How it should be in many cases. I doubt Jake has the same outlook otherwise people wouldn’t have let it go.
People improve and that’s because it was called out and exposed. If you don’t call it out, people don’t improve.
But of course it’s not as black and white as that, there is grey everywhere.

Word salad

Yeah, me neither. How long ago was the witchcraft thing? Hopefully he’s sorted himself out now.

Unfortunately for Jake and Nakel, these sort of things get people writing them off as twats. I think there’s a lesson there somewhere.

That said, I agree that believing what one person says on a forum is a bit easy to pass judgement. If there’s some sort of real evidence to back it up like photo or film then It’s going to be hard to convince people otherwise.

Woah. When I said I had some irrational hate for Nakel, I didn’t expect the conversation to go this way. I don’t know the guy. Never met him. Might be sound as fuck. Comes across as a bit of a dick in some videos but I guess so do a lot of people. Absolutely no racial issue from me. Apologies if it somehow came across that way.


Is this thread worth scrolling through or nah


Synopsis for me was everyone thought Nakel was a Michael Fabricant based off a Slap post, @Barf said he’s alright based upon actually spending time with the guy then it all went a bit shit :man_shrugging:

Then Temu invaded with cheap junk, I had to rewrite numerous times as Apple autocorrect has taken a massive shite and I can’t be arsed with tech anymore

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Sorry. Nah, don’t bother.


What a genuinely lovely bloke Mike is! I’m stoked everything has worked out for him in the end.

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But they weren’t about a female and there is potentially a scenario where your guy is being beyond not nice to others so your last part falls flat.
But yes, we should all be nicer to one and another :slight_smile:

Sorry for commenting literally straight away, I just opened it up and you posted, hey ho.

sorry mate, it’s a forum. I don’t need to be involved, I commented on YOUR post, that’s ok isn’t it?