People on here don’t seem too fond of Schmitt and his nanotubes but he’s knows his shit
He does. I just dont like the words he used. I suppose he was just trying to describe how wood is formed.
Fine with da Prof. Is he a self proclaimed Prof though? Haha
Ben coming through with the park madness at the end there.
When I set my box and rails up where I skate they must be parallel with the centre lines on the road or it messes with my head.
He weighs his trucks after he uses them lol
I know the Karma guys have a heat transfer machine. I think Hillcrest Skate Camp does too
I five dist
Set up an unemployment board.
Thought I’d try something different - first time in ten years I’ve bought anything other than Thunders, the first time ever I’ve not used risers and the first time ever that I’ve gone smaller than 54mm wheels. Widest board as well.
Polar 8.6
ACE 55’s
Spitfire Classics 52mm
Bones Reds
Enjoi bolts because they were free
I went from Indy to ace and they’re really ‘turney’ out the box they need quite a bit of tightening for me to get them similar to my Indys. I e since loosened them off a little and really like them
Same here!
Ordered my Daughter a ‘proper’ deck earlier. 7.75” Meow - it’s purple and has a cartoon cat on it so she should be stoked. I should chuck the Venture trucks I bought in Jan sales on, then I’m like maybe some new wide 99’s to make a new complete. It escalated quickly lol.
Maybe I’ll surprise her if she drops in on the 5ft ramp Wednesday night. She did the 4ft on Saturday, which got her over the fear of bigger transitions.
Rambling now…
Tldr - bought my daughter a new deck
Not sure how old your daughter is, but consider setting it up together.
Can be rad to make it an experience, so they can appreciate the physicality of the equipment.
Yeah that’s the plan I’ll help out with the grip as she’s 9, plus I’ll likely be setting up a new deck at the same time.
Does anyone know if the newer Heroin boards are available in the Uk yet?
I’ve got my eye on the Avi ones (the ones he did the graphics for or his guest model) and have seen them on insta, but not in any UK shops.
I noticed this morning my local had just got in a run of Deathwish decks which came out in February and given Heroin is also distributed out of bakerboys I’d imagine it’d be around the same timeframe.
Quote yourself before you wrote yourself…
Now at Power Distribution.
Haha that Dead Dave graphic is so good!
Random contribution but thank you, I love her